Early morning run in Mannheim

We are serialising the running blog of David Sweeney, who is training for the London Marathon in April 2014 and raising money for charity along the way…  WEEK 2, 2014 This was my first full week back after the Christmas holidays. First week back at work and first week backContinue Reading

Be an angel

Give a child a gift this holiday season. The 2013 Holiday Program provides Angel Tree gifts to families experiencing financial hardship during the holiday season. Families whose sponsor is an E5 and below, or civilians in grades GS6 or below, may be recipients of Angel Tree gifts.  To nominate families,Continue Reading

Car seat rules in Germany

Germany like most other countries in the EU has strict rules over children’s car seats. These are imperative to keep infants and young children as safe as possible when traveling in a motor vehicle. The specific printed regulations on car seats can be found under paragraph 1a in the roadContinue Reading