Featured image by FamVeld / Shutterstock.com Christmas Markets 2022 Christmas Market season is here at last as the scent of cinnamon slowly creeps through cozy cobble stone alleys and fairy lights light up historic old houses. Usually located in the city center, Christmas markets bring families and friends together over sweetContinue Reading

by Ronnie Juhans Photo by Jag_cz/shutterstock.com For my fellow hikers who enjoyed the great outdoors trekking during the warmer months of the year, there is no need to put away those boots and let Old Man Winter keep you indoors until spring of next year. Winter hiking and snowshoeing areContinue Reading

Let Weimar’s rich cultural and literary history enchant you during a cozy weekend away in former East Germany. Here’s the thing: I love historical figures. There’s just something about learning what inspired humans to become who they did that fascinates me. I also love museums, poetry and endless walks in parks, whichContinue Reading

The Städel Museum in Frankfurt houses 3,100 paintings, 660 sculptures, 4,600 photographs and more than 100,000 drawings and prints. Germany’s most important cultural community foundation also has a spot on the world’s list of top museums, offering a collection of internationally renowned masterpieces by artists that shaped art history forever. ItsContinue Reading

Christmas Eve Traditions in Germany

While Christmas may not be celebrated in every culture, almost every language has a term for it. Take a look at our list of international well-wishes and impress your family and friends with your linguistic trivia! Afrikaans – Geseknde Kersfees en ‘n gelukkige nuwe jaar!  Albanian – Gézuar Krishlindjet VitinContinue Reading

Did you know that simple, active play helps your child’s development? It’s true. In addition to basic fitness, active play improves concentration, coordination, learning, social skills and much more. Though your family may already have some favorite activities, see below for more ideas and how they help with development. PlayContinue Reading

Halloween for Dogs

cover photo by Igor Normann / shutterstock.com Halloween is a fun time for the whole family, including the dogs, as long as you take certain precautions.  Halloween for dogs could potentially be a very stressful and unpleasant time for them. Human treats One of our all-time favourite Halloween treats – chocolate – isContinue Reading

At first glance, Frankfurt isn’t as easily graspable as some of Germany’s other large cities. It’s not Berlin, which is urbane, gritty and packed with history. Nor is it Munich, where Bavarian prosperity is evident from the moment you set foot in the city. Perhaps what Frankfurt most resembles isContinue Reading

Story and photos by Nate Cairney Reaching the abbey of Chimay, or as it is officially known, the Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont, requires a beautiful road trip. There’s no way around it. You’ll have to travel through rolling forested hills with breathtaking valleys. You’ll pass sturdy Belgian stone farmContinue Reading