9 Homemade Gifts to Warm Your Holidays

There is little that brings as much joy as giving and receiving homemade Christmas gifts. There’s something about gifts made by hand that just warms the heart!

In this season of sharing, here are nine thoughtful (and easy) DIY gift ideas. Have fun spreading some cheer!

Christmas Blend Coffee

Christmas Blend Coffee

Mix 4 c coffee grounds with:

  • ¾ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp nutmeg
  • ¾ tsp ground cloves
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 vanilla bean broken into 2-3 pieces.

Place in a glass container and top with additional cloves and a few chopped pecans.

You can find labeled jars at home hobby stores, but you can also use plain jars with adhesive chalkboard labels.

Finally, add the name of the blend with a paint pen.

Courtesy of Dena Norton

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles in boxes

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles are a classic holiday choice. They are highly enjoyable from before Thanksgiving to after the new year. To turn them into gifts, search for cute cookie boxes and gift tags at your local hobby supply store (or online).

Dena Norton’s full recipe can be found at https://www.backtothebooknutrition.com/pumpkin-snickerdoodles-2-ways/.

Cherry Berry Chia JamBerry Cherry Chia Jam copy

A healthy and beautiful Cherry Berry Chia Jam is a sweet gift (literally!) that friends, neighbors and family will love. It’s cooked in a single pot in just 20 minutes, then divided into small mason jars to cool. Homemade gifts don’t get much easier than that!

Find the full recipe at https://www.liveeatlearn.com/cherry-berry-chia-jam/.

Roasted Cinnamon Pecans

Yields: 5, Prep Time: 5 min, Cook Time: 45 min, Total Time: 50 min


  • 1 egg white
  • ¼ c ghee or butter, meltedCinnamon Pecans
  • 2/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 5 cups pecan halves


  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees
  • In a large mixing bowl, beat egg white until soft peaks form.Stir in melted ghee, maple syrup, cinnamon and salt.
  • Add pecan halves, stirring until all are evenly coated.Use slotted spoon to scoop pecans from bowl and spread evenly across a greased jelly roll pan (discard any remaining liquid after pecans have been removed).
  • Bake approximately 45 minutes, turning every 15 minutes. Remove from oven when pecans are slightly crisp and golden brown – the edges will continue to crisp as they cool down.
  • Allow to cool completely before transferring to storage container or gift bags.

Courtesy of Dena Norton

banana bread in jars

Maple Spice Banana Bread in Jars

Baked breads are a holiday favorite, and baking them in mason jars adds extra charm! Nothing could be better than, dare it be said, a recipe for the world’s best Maple Spice Banana Bread.

The full recipe can be found at: https://www.backtothebooknutrition.com/worlds-best-banana-bread/

Pomegranate & Pistachio Chocolate Bark (Dark or White)

These Pomegranate & Pistachio Chocolate Bark squares from Mediterranealicious might possibly be the cutest Christmas chocolate bark you’ve ever seen! They’re packable, original, delicious and

pomegranate and pistachio chocolate bark

easy to make: what’s not to love?

Full recipe available at: http://mediterranealicious.com/2013/11/10/chocolate-bites-with-pomegranate-seeds-and-fresh-pistachios/

Monogrammed Mugs

Monogrammed Coffee Mugs

DIY Monogrammed Coffee Mugs are a brilliant holiday choice – and they’re so much easier to make than they look! This is a great one for older kids to help with. Learn more at: https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Monogram-Mugs/

Whipped Peppermint Bark Body Butter

Many people love to use natural oils around the house or as part of a skin care regime: they work so well, they smell so good, and they’re so much “cleaner” and cheaper than  expensive store-bought

whipped body butterscented creams. Homemade body butters like a Whipped Peppermint Bark Body Butter from Fit and Fab Living are a simple and affordable Christmas gift that just about anyone on your list will appreciate!

Learn more at: https://www.fitandfabliving.com/beauty/skin/7175-whipped-peppermint-bark-body-butter/


Monogrammed Cutting Board

You might just squeal a little when you see how cute a monogrammed cutting board can be. Just imagining the initials of certain food-loving friends etched on a cutting board will instantly get you in the gift-giving spirit!

See how to do it at: https://ruffledblog.com/diy-cutting-board/
Monogrammed cutting board

Author Profile:
Dena Norton is a registered dietitian who practiced clinically for six years before coming home in 2009 to start a family with her husband, Rick. They currently have two precious children. Recently, Dena published an e-book – Nutrition By The Book – and started Back To The Book Nutrition, an online business that aims to spread the message of enjoying and worshipping God through nutrition and health. Subscribe to her blog or join her on Facebook and Twitter.