Germans love Christmas Cookies so much that they designated an entire word to it: “Plätzchen.“ This means if you’re looking for cookies anytime between January and October, they’re “Kekse” but as soon as the first lights are put up, they will all be replaced by the seasonal “Plätzchen”. Yes, evenContinue Reading

Featured image by FamVeld / Christmas Markets 2022 Christmas Market season is here at last as the scent of cinnamon slowly creeps through cozy cobble stone alleys and fairy lights light up historic old houses. Usually located in the city center, Christmas markets bring families and friends together over sweetContinue Reading


Corona update: the castles are open, masks are mandatory. Admission only with a guided tour- available in English or German so make sure to plan ahead. I have lived in Germany all my life but it wasn’t until I started writing about it that I realized how little I’ve actuallyContinue Reading

For many a road-tripper, traveling through Germany evokes images of storybook villages surrounded by lush forests, castles perched high on mountaintops, or mysterious Roman or Celtic artifacts in unsuspecting locations. Aside from having some of the best road conditions throughout Europe, Germany has taken a lot of the guess-work outContinue Reading

by Kat Nickola I’m standing outside a Celtic longhouse watching the Celtic way to make and hold fire. Herr Klaus Zahneisen is a docent at the Keltenpark Otzenhausen. He shows us the special tree fungus ancient Celts smoldered into charcoal to use as a base fire material. He strikes a spark on itContinue Reading

If you are lucky enough to find yourself living in Europe, you should make sure you experience one of its crown jewels, the Alps. Here is a collection of can’t miss destinations for your next ski or snowboard adventure- the season is still going strong! Best Variety Portes Du Soleil,Continue Reading

“That wasn’t a museum. That was an adventure,” were my friend’s first words when we left. And it really was an adventure. Gondwana – Das Prähistorium, which is located in Schiffweiler, is an immersive experience that sums up the history of the world in an action-packed and educational day tripContinue Reading

Germany can be an incredible place to live. Trains run on time. The autobahn is a phenomenal experience. In any given village, you can find bakeries, butcher shops, florists, ice cream shops and at least one good Gasthaus that serves phenomenal schnitzel. For those who live here, Germany is alsoContinue Reading

A Perfect Thanksgiving

‘This year,’ I confidently told my wife, Amy, when our children were very young and squirmy and clingy and generally as manageable as a bag of tadpoles, ‘we are going to beat the Thanksgiving chaos!’ ‘How’s that gonna happen?’ she asked wearily, picking up a crying child and disengaging anotherContinue Reading

Hiking trip to Humbergturm (Humberg Tower)

Story and photos by Jaqueline Samad No matter the weather, this outing in the Pfälzer Wald (Palatinate Forest) is ideal whether you are with your partner, children, a dog or alone. This trip to the Humbergturm (Humberg Tower) is the ideal place to recharge your batteries and relax in theContinue Reading

Click here for kid-friendly activities that you can do at home. While Bavaria is famous for its outdoor vacation spots, we don’t want to forget about your little ones and their everyday need for entertainment. Luckily, Bavaria is full of parks, zoos, indoor- and outdoor playgrounds as well as publicContinue Reading