Oppenheim is a place of wine and water, a small town on the banks of the Rhine where the circle of life is very much present. It is a place where you can get back to basics. Travelers can stroll past gorgeous buildings, wander sprawling vineyards, and emerge from aContinue Reading

The American love affair with pumpkins is well documented. On the other side of the Atlantic, autumn is the season in which decorative gourds pop to life all across the country. Coffee shops fill with pumpkin spice lattés. Kitchens everywhere give off the delicious aroma of pumpkin pie or pumpkinContinue Reading

Something about Idar-Oberstein feels almost mythical. During the journey there, shadows and light dance through trees while two-lane roads wind through valleys and forests. When you arrive in the large town along the banks of the Nahe River, the mythic theme continues. Why? Because Idar-Oberstein made its name in muchContinue Reading

For many a road-tripper, traveling through Germany evokes images of storybook villages surrounded by lush forests, castles perched high on mountaintops, or mysterious Roman or Celtic artifacts in unsuspecting locations. Aside from having some of the best road conditions throughout Europe, Germany has taken a lot of the guess-work outContinue Reading

by Kat Nickola I’m standing outside a Celtic longhouse watching the Celtic way to make and hold fire. Herr Klaus Zahneisen is a docent at the Keltenpark Otzenhausen. He shows us the special tree fungus ancient Celts smoldered into charcoal to use as a base fire material. He strikes a spark on itContinue Reading

Story by Ronnie Juhans Photo by Jens Ottoson / Shutterstock.com Who is crazy enough to go camping in Germany during the winter? Especially when the night time temps have already dipped to freezing in early November this year. I am that person with a few others that have learned how toContinue Reading

Featured image courtesy of SPD Kaiserslautern Ongoing lockdown measures to contain the corona pandemic have affected most local attractions, many of which are now struggling and in need of help. Kaiserslautern Zoo has been hit hard by the restrictions and lack of visitors. While the zoo’s great reputation became clearContinue Reading

Mainz is easy to enjoy. It is filled with classic architecture, including towering stone spires and half-timbered buildings. The Rhine River chugs past, acting as a beating heart for a thriving university city. Restaurants, shops, wineries and an abundant amount of green space can be found downtown. Mainz is alsoContinue Reading

Hiking trip to Humbergturm (Humberg Tower)

Story and photos by Jaqueline Samad No matter the weather, this outing in the Pfälzer Wald (Palatinate Forest) is ideal whether you are with your partner, children, a dog or alone. This trip to the Humbergturm (Humberg Tower) is the ideal place to recharge your batteries and relax in theContinue Reading