Passau is one of eastern Bavaria’s best destinations. Located at the confluence of three rivers (including the mighty Danube), the city has history, an amazing castle, brilliant Baroque churches, and a rocking downtown. It’s also a stone’s throw from Austria and a short drive to Czechia, which makes it aContinue Reading

Nestled in southeast Bavaria on the Austrian border, Burghausen is an ideal destination for a long weekend. A small, walkable town, Burghausen features the longest castle in the world and plenty of local Bavarian hospitality. It is also a fantastic spot from which to explore some of the most beautifulContinue Reading

Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz Muffins are simply great. They’re made quickly, there’s tons of versions and kids just love them! The best thing is that muffins are so easy to make that they’re almost made for baking with kids. Usually, muffins are baked in special muffin or cupcakeContinue Reading

Click here for kid-friendly activities that you can do at home. While Bavaria is famous for its outdoor vacation spots, we don’t want to forget about your little ones and their everyday need for entertainment. Luckily, Bavaria is full of parks, zoos, indoor- and outdoor playgrounds as well as publicContinue Reading

Nuremberg, the Bavarian Jewel

When Americans think about Germany, they usually think of Bavaria first. This isn’t surprising since Bavaria is the origin of export hits like the Oktoberfest, traditional lederhosen, dirndl and good old German beer. But there’s a lot more to do in Germany’s biggest state than attending Munich’s Oktoberfest! Bavaria notContinue Reading

Neuschwanstein Castle

Germany’s natural beauty, its spectacular landscapes, historical sites, and robust cuisine make the country a prime choice for family vacations.Continue Reading

There’s a children’s show called “Die Augsburger Puppenkiste” (Augsburg’s puppet box) featuring entire worlds that could fit inside a single wooden box. So when I was offered to tag along to Augsburg for a day, I jumped at the opportunity to meet my childhood heros in person. Little did IContinue Reading