Oppenheim is a place of wine and water, a small town on the banks of the Rhine where the circle of life is very much present. It is a place where you can get back to basics. Travelers can stroll past gorgeous buildings, wander sprawling vineyards, and emerge from aContinue Reading

by Ronnie Juhans Photo by Jag_cz/shutterstock.com For my fellow hikers who enjoyed the great outdoors trekking during the warmer months of the year, there is no need to put away those boots and let Old Man Winter keep you indoors until spring of next year. Winter hiking and snowshoeing areContinue Reading

Let Weimar’s rich cultural and literary history enchant you during a cozy weekend away in former East Germany. Here’s the thing: I love historical figures. There’s just something about learning what inspired humans to become who they did that fascinates me. I also love museums, poetry and endless walks in parks, whichContinue Reading

Something about Idar-Oberstein feels almost mythical. During the journey there, shadows and light dance through trees while two-lane roads wind through valleys and forests. When you arrive in the large town along the banks of the Nahe River, the mythic theme continues. Why? Because Idar-Oberstein made its name in muchContinue Reading

The Städel Museum in Frankfurt houses 3,100 paintings, 660 sculptures, 4,600 photographs and more than 100,000 drawings and prints. Germany’s most important cultural community foundation also has a spot on the world’s list of top museums, offering a collection of internationally renowned masterpieces by artists that shaped art history forever. ItsContinue Reading

by Nate Cairney, contributing writer Featured image by Africa Studio / shutterstock.com “Holiday traditions” are often so ingrained that we rarely stop to think about them. What happens, then, when you and your family move abroad and are cut off from grandmother’s pumpkin pie? Do you try to video-conference into a diningContinue Reading

Mainz is easy to enjoy. It is filled with classic architecture, including towering stone spires and half-timbered buildings. The Rhine River chugs past, acting as a beating heart for a thriving university city. Restaurants, shops, wineries and an abundant amount of green space can be found downtown. Mainz is alsoContinue Reading

In many ways, Jossgrund is similar to most any little village in Germany. It’s small, tidy, tranquil and prosperous. You’ll find red roofs, a church steeple, a gasthaus. You can drive a small winding road through it and be gone in two minutes. But Jossgrund – and the surrounding areaContinue Reading

Story and photos by Nate Cairney Reaching the abbey of Chimay, or as it is officially known, the Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont, requires a beautiful road trip. There’s no way around it. You’ll have to travel through rolling forested hills with breathtaking valleys. You’ll pass sturdy Belgian stone farmContinue Reading

Neuschwanstein Castle

Germany’s natural beauty, its spectacular landscapes, historical sites, and robust cuisine make the country a prime choice for family vacations.Continue Reading

A city of art and architecture, Rotterdam is the Netherlands’ second city. And it’s brilliant. Restaurants, bars, and cafes can be found along pedestrian plazas and in unique pockets of the city. Rotterdam offers great public transport, friendly locals, and easy walks. These elements make it easy to relax and enjoyContinue Reading

In northern Italy, where the massive Dolomite mountains dominate the land, you can find a different sort of country. This is adventure Italy. Adventure Italy gets your heart pumping. For example, we asked a lifelong local to recommend a remote hike that was still reasonable enough for a family ofContinue Reading

The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip, my favorite destinations in England, Wales and Scotland: read part 1 about Bruges, Dover, Stonehenge here, part 2 about the Roman City Bath here, part 3 about Wales here, part 4 about The Lake District here, part 5 about Hadrian’s Wall here and part 6 about theContinue Reading

Cover photo by  Lukas Bischoff Photograph The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip, my favorite destinations in England, Wales and Scotland: read part 1 about Bruges, Dover and Stonehenge here and catch up on part 2 about the Roman city Bath here. Wales is one of those countries that people tend to forgetContinue Reading

Looking for a warm, holiday-friendly, walkable city in which to spend some of your December days? Consider Lisbon, Portugal, which also offers food, history, shopping, and beautiful views. For many, Lisbon in December is love at first sight. From the airport, taxis plunge toward the city’s heart. Tangerine sunsets transformContinue Reading