My Best Reads

My Best Reads in Every Genre

You like to read, don’t you? You’re reading this article right now – we’ve caught you red-handed! When you’re ready to give your eyes a rest and switch over from the screen to the printed page (or to your Kindle screen, anyway), we’ve assembled a list of the best reads for indulgence in every genre. Get comfy, light some candles, turn off your cell phone, and get ready to make your literary escape into these best-ofs. Bookworms unite!


Girl Reading a Book

Title: Hyperbole And A Half
Author: Allie Brosh
Publisher: Touchstone
Year: 2013


Hyperbole And A Half started off as Allie Brosh’s popular blog. How popular? Try 3-7 million visitors every month. Publisher Touchstone eventually took notice, and HAAH has made the unusual transition from blog to book. Subtitled “Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened,” HAAH takes a darkly comic and deeply touching look at topics ranging from depression to dogs.


Title: Misery
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: Penguin Group
Year: 1987


Maine-based scaremeister Stephen King is one of the world’s best-selling authors, with estimated sales ranging from 300-350 million books. King has cranked out dozens of tales during his decades in the biz, but Misery stands out as a particularly horrifying read. Misery, later adapted into a highly-praised film starring Kathy Bates and James Caan, tells the grim story of an author who’s taken in by a fan when his car breaks down. Unfortunately for him, his fan’s dedication veers into the psychotic, and she intends to keep him in her care… forever.


Book (1)Title: 50 Shades of Grey
Author: E. L. James
Publisher: Random House
Year: 2011


E. L. James’ erotic shocker 50 Shades of Grey ignited a media storm upon its controversial release by Random House, but as they say, no publicity is bad publicity, and 50 Shades went on to sell close to 100 million copies worldwide. James’ blockbuster tells the, er, unconventional tale of a young graduate who is seduced by titular business tycoon Christian Grey. The books is heavily lashed (no pun intended) with references to BDSM culture, so if whips and chains aren’t your thing, try Nicholas Sparks’ gentler love story, The Notebook.


Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Publisher: Scholastic
Year: 2008


Thanks to 2012’s adapted mega-hit of the same name, it’s virtually impossible to not be at least vaguely familiar with Suzanne Collin’s brutal vision of a dystopian future where children are forced to kill each other off in all sorts of creatively gruesome ways on national television. But The Hunger Games isn’t just about violence – it also interweaves love stories and hard-hitting political and philosophical questions.


Title: Orange Is The New Black: My Year In A Women’s Prison
Author: Piper Kerman
Publisher: Spiegel & Grau
Year: 2010


Piper Kerman’s autobiographical tell-all about her year in a women’s prison was the basis for Netflix’s popular series of the same name. OITNB charts eleven months (okay, almost a year) behind bars, from the unexpected intricacies and dangers of prison culture, to the surprisingly tender relationships that can grow “on the inside.”

Author Profile:
Shannon Carpino is a writer for a New Jersey bankruptcy attorney, and also freelance writes on topics such as health, fitness, and business. In her free time she enjoys spending time outdoors with her French Bulldog, Ozzi!