5 Simple Snacks for Your Super Bowl Party

Finding the perfect snacks for everyone at your upcoming Super Bowl party doesn’t have to be a chore. Your food choices, don’t even need be difficult to prepare or even expensive to shop for. These five classic Super Bowl snacks should satisfy even the toughest Seahawks or Broncos’ fans.

Beef Nachos


Who doesn’t love a great plate of nachos? This classic snack combines many of your favorite party dishes into one delicious appetizer. For this nachos recipe from Kraft, brown ground beef in a skillet and drain. Then place the meat on top of your favorite tortilla chips (extra thick, longer strips work great for dipping). Load up the chips with salsa, jalapeños, olives, guacamole and cheese. If you want to beef up your nachos even more, add a can of refried beans on top. This classic appetizer is sure to score big with the fans.

Classic Meatballs

Homemade meatballs are a great appetizer for any Super Bowl party. These meaty snacks, which taste just like the meatballs Mom used to make, are easy to cook and even easier to eat. Combine about a pound of lean ground beef and an egg with desired amounts of dehydrated onions, garlic powder and seasoned breadcrumbs. Brown tablespoon-sized meatballs in heated skillet, using extra virgin olive oil so they won’t stick. Transfer to 350-degree oven for 20-30 minutes until they reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees.

Place meatballs in crockpot to keep them warm. With toothpicks, guests can dip them in a variety of sauces such as sweet and sour, cajon, barbecue or a red pasta sauce.

Baked Zucchini Fries


Here’s a healthy twist to a party favorite. Baked zucchini fries are almost as good as their deep-fried counterparts, but are a better choice for those opting for a more nutritional snack. Slice three small zucchinis into French fry size planks (about 4 inches long, 1/2-inch wide). Sprinkle lightly with salt and then dip into an egg wash (2 whisked eggs). Dip each stick into a mixture of panko or seasoned crumbs (1 cup), Italian seasoning (2 tablespoons) and 1/4- to 1/3-cup of shredded Parmesan cheese (or another favorite cheese).

Bake on a lined cookie sheet for about 10-12 minutes at 425 degrees. Guests can dip the zucchini fries into their favorite sauce such as marinara, ranch or onion.

Fruit Skewers with Yogurt Dip

fruit skewers

Satisfy your younger guests with fun fruit skewers. They are easy to make and fun to eat with your favorite dipping sauce. You will need 10 large or 20 small strawberries, 1/2 cantaloupe and 1/3 watermelon cut into one-inch cubes, 1 or 2 apples or kiwis cut into chunks and green or purple grapes.

Thread 4 to 5 pieces of fruit onto each skewer and arrange on a serving platter. Pair the skewers with a strawberry or other fruit-flavored yogurt dip. Even the big kids will enjoy them.

Jalapeño Pops

These quick and easy Super Bowl snacks can add quite a bite to your menu. Mix one package of softened cream cheese with a cup of Parmesan cheese, 2 to 3 tablespoons of diced jalapeños and two egg yolks. Roll a teaspoon-sized ball of the mixture in breadcrumbs and bake for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Serve the bites warm and with any of the following sauces: Peanut, savory raspberry jam, ranch, salsa, sour cream or melted cheese.

These must-have snacks are affordable, easy to make and pack a delicious punch. Offer these tasty treats to your guests and you’re sure to make some fans by the end of the game.

Author Profile:
Lana Evans is a freelance writer who enjoys covering entertainment, travelling and lifestyle. She is always looking to conquer new adventures and try new things. Follow her on Twitter to see where the road takes her next.