Betty Williams was definitely onto something when she said: “When all else fails, take a vacation!” With winter still going strong and temps still dropping, it’s only natural to want to travel somewhere warmer. In fact, it’s likely that at some point this winter you’ll fantasize about relaxing on aContinue Reading

Spain is vast, beautiful and geographically diverse. Given its history, it is also one of the most culturally rich places in Europe. In addition, it offers mountains, beaches, deserts, plains and some of the world’s best cities. In short, it’s a tourist’s dream. This is true even when actual tourismContinue Reading

Scrapbooking your time overseas

There is no question that winter has arrived in Germany! With that never-ending gray sky, the chilly temps, and the wet rain or snow on the ground, it is easy to just close the front door, kick off those boots, and climb onto the couch with a blanket and theContinue Reading