Turin is one of Italy’s best and most unexpected cities. Located at the foot of the Alps and packed with parks and tree-lined boulevards, this isn’t hot, touristy Italy. This is a thriving city with food, culture, style, shopping, and outdoor activities galore. In Turin, you’ll feel like you’re inContinue Reading

Passau is one of eastern Bavaria’s best destinations. Located at the confluence of three rivers (including the mighty Danube), the city has history, an amazing castle, brilliant Baroque churches, and a rocking downtown. It’s also a stone’s throw from Austria and a short drive to Czechia, which makes it aContinue Reading

For a town of only 160,000 people, Salzburg is a cultural star. A UNESCO world heritage city, this Austrian gem offers music, festivals, art, beer, food, history, architecture and so much more. Just a short trip across the German border, Salzburg also is nestled next to the Austrian Alps. MozartContinue Reading

Maastricht is special. It’s the oldest city in the Netherlands (settled around 50 BC), yet in many ways feels like the newest. Maastricht is vibrant, historic, creative, international, and easier to navigate than Amsterdam or Rotterdam. The city has brilliant restaurants, bars, museums, shops, and even a rubber ducky store.Continue Reading

Nestled in southeast Bavaria on the Austrian border, Burghausen is an ideal destination for a long weekend. A small, walkable town, Burghausen features the longest castle in the world and plenty of local Bavarian hospitality. It is also a fantastic spot from which to explore some of the most beautifulContinue Reading

Germans love Christmas Cookies so much that they designated an entire word to it: “Plätzchen.“ This means if you’re looking for cookies anytime between January and October, they’re “Kekse” but as soon as the first lights are put up, they will all be replaced by the seasonal “Plätzchen”. Yes, evenContinue Reading

Featured image by FamVeld / Shutterstock.com Christmas Markets 2022 Christmas Market season is here at last as the scent of cinnamon slowly creeps through cozy cobble stone alleys and fairy lights light up historic old houses. Usually located in the city center, Christmas markets bring families and friends together over sweetContinue Reading

Oppenheim is a place of wine and water, a small town on the banks of the Rhine where the circle of life is very much present. It is a place where you can get back to basics. Travelers can stroll past gorgeous buildings, wander sprawling vineyards, and emerge from aContinue Reading

Pforzheim embodies so much that is good about Germany. With more than 100,000 people, it’s large enough to offer something for every traveler, and small enough that navigating it doesn’t feel overwhelming. There is an excellent blend of culture, commerce and nature. And, crucially, Pforzheim offers wonderful access to oneContinue Reading

The American love affair with pumpkins is well documented. On the other side of the Atlantic, autumn is the season in which decorative gourds pop to life all across the country. Coffee shops fill with pumpkin spice lattés. Kitchens everywhere give off the delicious aroma of pumpkin pie or pumpkinContinue Reading


Corona update: the castles are open, masks are mandatory. Admission only with a guided tour- available in English or German so make sure to plan ahead. I have lived in Germany all my life but it wasn’t until I started writing about it that I realized how little I’ve actuallyContinue Reading

Something about Idar-Oberstein feels almost mythical. During the journey there, shadows and light dance through trees while two-lane roads wind through valleys and forests. When you arrive in the large town along the banks of the Nahe River, the mythic theme continues. Why? Because Idar-Oberstein made its name in muchContinue Reading

by Kat Nickola I’m standing outside a Celtic longhouse watching the Celtic way to make and hold fire. Herr Klaus Zahneisen is a docent at the Keltenpark Otzenhausen. He shows us the special tree fungus ancient Celts smoldered into charcoal to use as a base fire material. He strikes a spark on itContinue Reading

Vienna at Christmas time is indeed cold and not a place where children under maybe 10 years of age are going to last for very long without complaining. Still, it is a fantastic city to experience during these chilly months (and any other month) whether traveling alone, with a partner,Continue Reading