Ingredients pasta (for 4 people) 1.5 pounds penne pasta, dried ½ cup fresh parmesan, shaved (use a knife to shave the parmesan) 2 cups cream 2 tablespoons green pesto 1 tablespoon olive oil ½ tablespoon minced garlic ½ teaspoon salt for boiling pasta ¼ teaspoon ground white or black pepperContinue Reading

Ingredients for 4 people For meatballs: 1 ½ pounds veal mince meat 2 medium eggs salt ground white pepper to taste 1 teaspoon mace 1 tablespoon butter organically grown lemon, zested ½ tablespoon lemon juice ½ tablespoon chopped parsley ½ cup bacon, diced 2 medium onions diced ½ tablespoon choppedContinue Reading

by Ronnie Juhanns Cover Photo of Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, by GIGASHOTS / Travelers from around the world visit Switzerland to take the journey to the top of Europe and visiting Europe’s highest altitude railway station. At 3,454 meters this is one of the most impressive views of Switzerland’s many snow-cappedContinue Reading

featured image by Alex Yuzhakov ‘I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.’ -Mark Twain The first time I travelled without my parents, I was thirteen. My older sister took me on a €6Continue Reading

Story and photos by Nate Cairney Reaching the abbey of Chimay, or as it is officially known, the Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont, requires a beautiful road trip. There’s no way around it. You’ll have to travel through rolling forested hills with breathtaking valleys. You’ll pass sturdy Belgian stone farmContinue Reading

Story by Ronnie Juhans Featured image by FS Stock / As Old Man Winter will be visiting us soon, the skiers and snowboarders are anxiously awaiting the opening of resorts all over Europe to enjoy the winter wonderland. For those of you preferring a more slow-paced approach to outdoorContinue Reading

Neuschwanstein Castle

Germany’s natural beauty, its spectacular landscapes, historical sites, and robust cuisine make the country a prime choice for family vacations.Continue Reading