Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz
As spring slowly transitions into summer and we get more sunshine, you don’t want to miss out on a colorful bouquet of flowers! This DIY shows you and your kid(s), step-by-step, how to get some color onto your dining table in no time. My little one had so much fun with the preparation (cutting the paper). The completion can be a little tricky at first, but by no later than the second flower you’ll have enough practice and there’ll be nothing in the way of crafting a pretty bouquet!

You’ll need:
• colorful construction paper (DIN A4 size)
• a pair of scissors
• a glue stick
• a ruler
• a pencil
• a pen (any kind will do, you’ll only need it to roll the paper)

Step-by-step instruction:
Step 1: Divide the DIN A4 construction paper into 3 equally large strips. Each strip should be 7cm (2.75in) long and 29.7cm (11.69in) wide.

Step 2: Using the ruler, draw a line from left to right (horizontally), keeping a 1cm (0.39in) distance to the upper edge of the strip. Now, with a distance of 1cm or less between them, draw vertical lines below this horizontal line.
Then cut these vertical lines up until the horizontal line, using your scissors.

Step 3: This is where it gets a little tricky. Roll up the single, small strips with the help of a pen. Make sure you roll up the paper in the direction of your pencil marks, so that you won’t see them any longer in the final flower.

Step 4: You can use rolled up construction paper or slightly thicker straws for the flower stems. Now you’ll assemble the stem and the flower itself. Put some glue on the left-over 1cm strip of your flower (the unrolled part) and position the stem at the beginning of your strip. The flower ‘rolls’ should be facing outwards. Now diagonally wrap the paper around the flower stem as firmly as possible.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll master these in no time and you’ll be able to DIY a beautiful bouquet with your little darling(s). Have fun and happy crafting!

Author’s profile: Corinna is a graphic designer, photographer, wife and mom. Her blog includes fun, honest and creative posts about the wonderful, chaotic, and colorful life as a working mom as well as recipes and craft projects.