Here’s the thing: I’m a huge nerd. That’s neither good nor bad but I’ve come to the realisation that it tends to influence the process of picking destinations for my beloved short trips and because I like to share my personal sources of happiness, I have put together a partContinue Reading

Scrapbooking your time overseas

There is no question that winter has arrived in Germany! With that never-ending gray sky, the chilly temps, and the wet rain or snow on the ground, it is easy to just close the front door, kick off those boots, and climb onto the couch with a blanket and theContinue Reading

Saturday Night Fever The Musical

The 1970s was a turbulent decade in America. The Vietnam War was coming to an end, racial tensions were high, news of the Watergate scandal raised questions about the country’s political stability, and the Oil Crisis threatened to bring the nation to an economic standstill. Young people, feeling increasingly disillusionedContinue Reading