Ladies, hear my call. Save. Your. Corks. It is a necessity, nay it is your duty, to collect enough wine corks to make one or all of these cute crafts. Your husband asks, “Are you having a second glass of wine?” and you reply, “This is for your mother’s gift.” (Christmas is basically just around the corner, right?) What a good daughter-in-law! Your best friend says, “Why do you have so many wine corks? Are you a hoarder?” Au contraire, mon frère! I am gearing up for craft season! I promise there is a craft for everyone.
For the not-so crafty, you can make these cute place card holders for your dinner table. (see cover photo) All you need is a serrated kitchen knife. That’s all. Slice a tiny piece off the bottom so that it doesn’t roll around and cut a slot in the top for the place card. Oh so cute and, “Oh my, aren’t you clever!”
For the beginner, we have this adorable bird. Supplies: serrated kitchen knife, hot glue gun, one cork, a twig, two peppercorns, a piece of cra foam, some gardening wire, felt, needle and thread. Sew a felt hat that fits the cork, keeping an extra piece of thread sticking out the top for hanging; poke the wire in the bottom for feet and hot glue everything else on that little peeper! Et voila! Wine cork bird city!

For the high achieving wine crafter, you can go full rocking horse! “Wine cork rocking horse? Oh no, you didn’t!” What will you need for such an ingenious holiday creation? Serrated kitchen knife, hot glue gun, 6 wine corks, fun yarn, cork sheets or thick cra foam, peppercorns or black beads, decorative ribbon, extra decorations as you wish. Isn’t he the cutest? Hang him off a bottle of wine as a gift and – boom – game changer! I don’t even need to give you directions for this guy – just make some cuts on your corks, measure up and hot glue that little guy into cute oblivion! Happy crafting! And, please, start preparing now. Ahem, you know what I mean (wink, wink).

Story and photos by Lisa Helenius