Knit someone a gift this christmas

Featured image by littlenySTOCK 

Are you tired of the gifts you give at Christmas falling short of the love you intend to share? Do you have a knack for crafting and quick learning? Do you want to save money while also giving out meaningful Christmas gifts? Now is the time to start thinking about DIY crafts you can turn into the best kind of presents. There are many online stores that can give you inspiration. I’ve found that getting in the holiday spirit first means finding the right Christmas decorations to cheer your home. Creating your own gifts become much easier when you are surrounded with a festive environment.  Here are a few ideas for gifts you can start making now and have finished by Christmas:

Knitted Winter Apparel

Everyone needs warm things to use in the wintertime, so you can’t go wrong with knitted items for loved ones on your Christmas list. Scarves and hats are an easy place for beginners to start. More experienced knitters can make sweaters, gloves, mittens, socks, blankets, stuffed toys, and all sorts of other gifts for friends and family of all ages. The average beginner can finish a scarf in one or two weeks. Some larger scale projects can take longer depending on your experience level. It is best to start earlier rather than later if you hope to make enough items for everyone.


People develop all kinds of attachments to all kinds of cloth items. Towels, old tee shirts, blankets, pillowcases, and even socks can hold on to memories for years beyond their use. The colors, textures and smells seem to linger in our minds forever. This is why we choose to hang on to such items long after their functional potential has expired. The trash dump seems like such a cruel fate for things of such great emotional value. On the other hand, so does a plastic container in the closet.

Try repurposing your sentimental fabrics into patches for quilted Christmas gifts. This classic craft has not seen the same recent revival as knitting, so you will have the advantage of knowing the people on your list are not likely to receive other quilted Christmas gifts. These can also be reserved for the more personal connections in your life. Is it baby’s first Christmas? Make a quilt out of the old baby clothes you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away. Are you looking for a special way to express love to an old friend? Go through your closet and find clothes you were wearing on meaningful occasions throughout your friendship. Cut them into squares and make them into a quilted blanket and pillow set. All you need are scissors and a sewing machine to turn your sentimental clothing items into something truly befitting of their significance.  


Scrapbooks can be a sentimental monument for any occasion or relationship. If you are a packrat, you may find your work is halfway done. Do you want to make one for your significant other? Look for every program, ticket stub, love letter or photo you can find that points back to the time you have spent together. Did you keep one of those flowers he gave you for Valentine’s Day? All of this can be arranged inside a scrapbook to give as a gift.

The longer you spend compiling materials for a scrapbook, the better it is going to be. However, the memorabilia is only part of the project. You also have to pick the paper, design the cover, and decide how you want to arrange your items inside. Some like to organize everything chronologically. However, you will find there are different effects to be achieved depending on how you group things together on each page. A scrapbook is a very thoughtful gift. It is not something you can get away with putting together hastily. If you decide you want to make one, it is best to start on it many months or even years ahead of time. You can be certain that every bit of love you put into this project will show.

Beaded Jewelry

A trip to any art market or craft website will tell you that homemade jewelry is back in style. Rather than paying the price of demand for these gifts, why not make them yourself? You can find the materials at any craft store, and you can even order special beads or pendants from the internet. The initial investment will be insignificant compared to what you would pay for individual beaded items from a merchant. Anyone with an eye for color and arrangement will be surprised at how easy beading can be.

Start by thinking about what your loved ones look for in this kind of thing. Make a list to brainstorm about the preferences of each person you want to give to this year.  What colors do they wear the most? Is there anything you know they wouldn’t like? Do they have an animal or totem they identify with? Often times you can find beads or charms to match. Also decide what you want to make for each person. Masculine styles can be a little challenging, but they shouldn’t be considered impossible. Bracelets, necklaces, key chains and earrings are just a few of the things you can make with beads. Maybe your best friend has a really fantastic dress she loves to wear. You can make her a custom necklace to go with it.

You will have plenty of time to create something special for each person on your Christmas list if you begin the process today. You don’t have to pick just one of these ideas. Maybe you want to give out a combination of these and other homemade gifts. Whatever you decide, homemade gifts are always more personal. They also take time. If you want to make sure everyone your special someone has at least one Christmas gift they wouldn’t return, you are better off getting started on your DIY Christmas crafting and gifting before autumn is over.

Author: Caroline Casetti, Twitter, Pintrest