Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz My small daughter, my husband and I love it when our home smells like freshly baked bread! That’s why I often make our bread myself. My passion for baking bread started a couple of years ago with a recipe for walnut bread by TimContinue Reading

Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz Muffins are simply great. They’re made quickly, there’s tons of versions and kids just love them! The best thing is that muffins are so easy to make that they’re almost made for baking with kids. Usually, muffins are baked in special muffin or cupcakeContinue Reading

Featured image courtesy of SPD Kaiserslautern Ongoing lockdown measures to contain the corona pandemic have affected most local attractions, many of which are now struggling and in need of help. Kaiserslautern Zoo has been hit hard by the restrictions and lack of visitors. While the zoo’s great reputation became clearContinue Reading

Story by Ronnie Juhans Eco adventures are the combination of adventurous activities with environmentally responsible awareness. Destinations and activities vary widely and can be anything from floating on a raging river in South Africa to soaring through the tree canopy in the Ozarks! One thing all eco adventures have inContinue Reading

Even if you haven’t lived in Europe for long, you probably know that “Benelux” is a catch-all term for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. They’re usually lumped together because they’re just not that big (Belgium, for instance, is about the size of Maryland). Though the Benelux countries might lack squareContinue Reading

May 10, 2020 As the number of people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 continues to rise, European countries are returning to the question of how to re-open for “normal” life. This includes welcoming visitors from the U.S., and opening borders for intra-European travel. For Americans living in Germany, policiesContinue Reading

Story by Allison Robins, featured image credit: Aeolos Image With the increasing trend of growing your own food, there have never been so many resources for making the most of your time and money. But space is also a major consideration for many living in German apartments with only a porchContinue Reading

Germany can be an incredible place to live. Trains run on time. The autobahn is a phenomenal experience. In any given village, you can find bakeries, butcher shops, florists, ice cream shops and at least one good Gasthaus that serves phenomenal schnitzel. For those who live here, Germany is alsoContinue Reading

by Michelle Thum Tick exposure can occur year-round, but ticks are most active during the upcoming warmer months from March to September. Public Health Command Europe’s Entomology Department provides helpful tips and tricks for tick prevention. “Ticks are pesky little critters and can carry several potentially serious diseases,” explained Lt.Continue Reading

Spain is vast, beautiful and geographically diverse. Given its history, it is also one of the most culturally rich places in Europe. In addition, it offers mountains, beaches, deserts, plains and some of the world’s best cities. In short, it’s a tourist’s dream. This is true even when actual tourismContinue Reading

Zweibrücken makes for an excellent day trip. Located a few kilometers from the French border, the city is rich with natural beauty, history and a very interesting mélange of sightseeing opportunities. Plus, you get to visit a city that begins with the letter Z, which doesn’t happen every day! Zweibrücken:Continue Reading

If you talk to those who have traveled the world and checked off bucket list items like champions, you’ll often hear a common theme: they’ve never explored the places they live. Their hometowns – whether in Germany, the U.S. or elsewhere – were often just places to hang hats untilContinue Reading