Even if you haven’t lived in Europe for long, you probably know that “Benelux” is a catch-all term for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. They’re usually lumped together because they’re just not that big (Belgium, for instance, is about the size of Maryland). Though the Benelux countries might lack squareContinue Reading

Germany can be an incredible place to live. Trains run on time. The autobahn is a phenomenal experience. In any given village, you can find bakeries, butcher shops, florists, ice cream shops and at least one good Gasthaus that serves phenomenal schnitzel. For those who live here, Germany is alsoContinue Reading

Spain is vast, beautiful and geographically diverse. Given its history, it is also one of the most culturally rich places in Europe. In addition, it offers mountains, beaches, deserts, plains and some of the world’s best cities. In short, it’s a tourist’s dream. This is true even when actual tourismContinue Reading

If you find yourself staring south in a longing fashion, you’re not alone. Italy lies that way, beyond the Alps, where you’ll find warmth, culture, beauty and amazing food. And the Alps themselves aren’t so bad, either. Even though you may not be able to make Italy a reality justContinue Reading