Volksmarching is an ideal activity for the COVID era. Founded as a non-competitive sport in Germany in the 1960’s, volksmarching (or “wandering,” as it is also called) is essentially a well-organized hike. Which makes it healthy, social, safe, outdoors-oriented and purposeful. It’s also an excellent raison d’être for day trips.Continue Reading

Schönau almost seems like Shangri-la. Every twisting road that leads to the little village deep in the Pfalz forest leads you further and further into what feels like a forgotten valley. When you reach Schönau, nestled against the French border, you also discover that it is very much an outdoorContinue Reading

One of the classic (perhaps THE classic) German day trip destinations is Rothenburg ob der Tauber. You’ve probably seen pictures in guidebooks or on websites: half-timbered buildings, cobblestone streets, impossible cuteness. There’s a reason Rothenburg is so highly recommended: it has the power to transport even the most cynical traveler.Continue Reading

These are strange days, especially for Americans living in Europe. After all, one of the benefits of being here is that travel is so easy. So many world-famous cultures, countries, cities, and landmarks are so reachable. And even when travel is confined to Germany, life is still good. This isContinue Reading

Mainz is easy to enjoy. It is filled with classic architecture, including towering stone spires and half-timbered buildings. The Rhine River chugs past, acting as a beating heart for a thriving university city. Restaurants, shops, wineries and an abundant amount of green space can be found downtown. Mainz is alsoContinue Reading

During an era in which access to great outdoor settings has become a critical travel criterion, Landau is almost the perfect destination. The large town in the heart of the Pfalz wine region has parks, vineyards, hills, forests, a lovely pedestrian zone and easy access to exotic animals. If you’reContinue Reading

Hiking trip to Humbergturm (Humberg Tower)

Story and photos by Jaqueline Samad No matter the weather, this outing in the Pfälzer Wald (Palatinate Forest) is ideal whether you are with your partner, children, a dog or alone. This trip to the Humbergturm (Humberg Tower) is the ideal place to recharge your batteries and relax in theContinue Reading

In many ways, Jossgrund is similar to most any little village in Germany. It’s small, tidy, tranquil and prosperous. You’ll find red roofs, a church steeple, a gasthaus. You can drive a small winding road through it and be gone in two minutes. But Jossgrund – and the surrounding areaContinue Reading

At first glance, Frankfurt isn’t as easily graspable as some of Germany’s other large cities. It’s not Berlin, which is urbane, gritty and packed with history. Nor is it Munich, where Bavarian prosperity is evident from the moment you set foot in the city. Perhaps what Frankfurt most resembles isContinue Reading

If you’re searching for something good, you’ll find it by traveling to Bad Dürkheim. “Bad,” however, might not mean what you think it means. For English speakers, it translates literally as “bath.” In truth, though, “Bad” is closer to “spa” – which means water, healing and tranquility. You’ll find thoseContinue Reading

August 11, 2020 Even though most of Europe is on summer vacation, COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere. To help reduce pandemic-related risks, Germany’s Federal government continues to release guidance for travelers returning to Germany. High-Risk Zones: Getting More Specific For months, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal agency for disease controlContinue Reading

When you’re standing above Bernkastel-Kues, the scene seems almost too beautiful to be real. Vine-filled hillsides plunge toward the Mosel River. Small roads snake through vineyards, parceling the beauty into something your mind can process. And below? Well, down there lies an ideal place to begin exploring an area thatContinue Reading

Aachen is a beautiful university town packed with history, culture and outdoor activities for the whole family. Nestled next to Belgium and the Netherlands, the city (pronounced Ach-ken) offers a feeling that is sort-of German, sort-of Dutch-Belgian, and distinctly cool. There is a reason this was Charlemagne’s favorite place. WhyContinue Reading

Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz The other day, my little honey came home from a friend’s place and was super excited about a dreamcatcher that she saw in her friend’s room. A dreamcatcher that could catch nightmares and bad dreams, leaving only the good ones to pass through. SheContinue Reading

Welcome to the rococo city Ansbach, an urban municipality in the Franconian region of Germany’s largest state, Bavaria, only 24 miles from picturesque Nürnberg (Nuremberg). A rich and well-documented history precedes your stay and can still be traced thanks to medieval architectural gems, a museum featuring an extensive collections ofContinue Reading

Click here for kid-friendly activities that you can do at home. While Bavaria is famous for its outdoor vacation spots, we don’t want to forget about your little ones and their everyday need for entertainment. Luckily, Bavaria is full of parks, zoos, indoor- and outdoor playgrounds as well as publicContinue Reading

Nuremberg, the Bavarian Jewel

When Americans think about Germany, they usually think of Bavaria first. This isn’t surprising since Bavaria is the origin of export hits like the Oktoberfest, traditional lederhosen, dirndl and good old German beer. But there’s a lot more to do in Germany’s biggest state than attending Munich’s Oktoberfest! Bavaria notContinue Reading