May 25, 2021 As the German federal government and state governments publicize plans for reopening the country, it seems like one phrase is everywhere: incidence rates. Incidence rates are how the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which is the German equivalent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, measures COVIDContinue Reading

May 12, 2020 Even though the German Parliament recently eased restrictions for people who are fully vaccinated against COVID, many regulations remain in place. Additionally, different German states may have rules that are stricter than those recommended by the German federal government. Where to turn? For Americans who live inContinue Reading

May 10, 2020 As the number of people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 continues to rise, European countries are returning to the question of how to re-open for “normal” life. This includes welcoming visitors from the U.S., and opening borders for intra-European travel. For Americans living in Germany, policiesContinue Reading

January 20, 2021 In an ongoing effort to mitigate the spread of COVID, Germany extended key lockdown rules until at least February 14. This decision came following yesterday’s meeting between representatives of the federal government and all 16 states. The rules cover a number of areas related to socialization andContinue Reading

Septebmer 22, 2020 Following a week-long stretch of rising COVID-19 incidence rates, the Munich city government instituted tighter restrictions with regard to public spaces. New restrictions in Munich Masks are now mandatory in all areas of the old town, including the famed Marienplatz and other pedestrian zones. Small public gatherings,Continue Reading

August 11, 2020 Even though most of Europe is on summer vacation, COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere. To help reduce pandemic-related risks, Germany’s Federal government continues to release guidance for travelers returning to Germany. High-Risk Zones: Getting More Specific For months, the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal agency for disease controlContinue Reading