Don’t miss your chance to win a 25 euro gift card for area businesses in the 2 February edition of the Herald Union.  Win great gift cards from: Kunst Zimmer Nane Rosa, Galli Theater Wiesbaden, Vacation at Casa Chiara, Wiesbaden Phantoms, Ticket Counter and TIXS Wiesbaden. CONTEST RULES* In the 2 February editionContinue Reading

The Do-It-Yourself public trade fair all about arts & crafts, design, handcraft, baking and cooking will be held from 17th to 19th February 2017 in the Messecenter Rhein-Main Wallau. TV presenter Tine Wittler will be this years´ special guest. The trade fair will take place in the Messecenter Rhein-Main WallauContinue Reading

Hello friends of good cooking and eating! Today we will make a tasty casserole with cauliflower, noodles and ground meat. What we need: Cauliflower, noodles, ground meat, salt, ground white pepper, sugar, butter, oil, lemon juice, grated cheese, a small onion, four eggs and a little jar of liquid cream.Continue Reading

One of my favorite things about living in Germany is how dog-friendly everything is. I take my Italian Greyhound just about everywhere I go. And now that the weather’s warm, I’m planning even more outdoor adventures together. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your four legged friend during theContinue Reading

First Aid Kits for Kids

There are many things that are put on a list when planning a trip, especially with children. Unfortunately, many people forget about a first aid kit for children. Not only is it important to have a first aid kit with you, but also know how to use the items andContinue Reading

As with all the holidays and celebrations at this time of the year, Thanksgiving is one we would love to share with our dogs. And if you have a dog (or two or three or…) you definitely have at least one thing to be grateful for! Such a big partContinue Reading

A few months ago, there was a knock at my door. It was my neighbor, and apparently, my Mayor. A conversation ensued about Americans living in German neighborhoods. The purpose of his visit was to find out how well we were integrating into our village. Following a great chat, IContinue Reading

This year, my kids decided to forego pumpkin-carving on Halloween in lieu of making their own costumes. I was still determined to have a pumpkin display for my table without the mess and fuss of cutting and digging out pumpkin pulp and seeds, so I drew on my pumpkin instead. Using a black sharpieContinue Reading