Pretty Pumpkins

This year, my kids decided to forego pumpkin-carving on Halloween in lieu of making their own costumes.

I was still determined to have a pumpkin display for my table without the mess and fuss of cutting and digging out pumpkin pulp and seeds, so I drew on my pumpkin instead. Using a black sharpie pen, I made my festive Halloween pumpkin face inspired by a candy skull fabric print I saw online. My pumpkin looked great!


A week after, I decided to use the other side of the pumpkin for a Thanksgiving theme. With the help of my reliable sharpie, I wrote “Be
Thankful” in cursive, drew a few fall leaves as accent, while the kids added colorful felt dots.

What of the pumpkin after Thanksgiving? After being a visual treat in our home for several weeks, we will eventually enjoy this wonderful fall fruit as a yummy soup and delicious breakfast muffins. Hooray for the humble pumpkin!

About the Author:
Story and photos by Janice, a military spouse who lives in Stuttgart with her family. She enjoys getting off post and exploring Germany with her family. And blogging.