What do we need?

• 150 grams ground meat (pork and beef) per person
• Sunflower and olive oil
• Tomato paste
• Sliced tomatoes in a jar or a can (you can get it on the economy)
• A bit of red wine
• Onions, garlic, salt, ground white pepper, a bit of sugar, a bit of chili and oregano


Add spices to the ground meat (except the oregano). Mix it properly and let it rest for about half an hour.
Dice the onions and the garlic to small pieces.

Take a pot with a large diameter to have enough surface to roast the ground meat properly.
Heat the pot. Add sunflower and olive oil (half and half) into the pot. Don’t be afraid to add a lot of oil into the pot. Add the ground meat and let it roast on medium heat for half an hour. Stir well.

Then add the small diced onions. Let them roast for about 10 minutes.
Then add the small diced garlic. Be careful not to burn the garlic!

Add the tomato paste. Let it roast for approximately five minutes. Be careful not to burn it.
Then add a sip of red wine to it. Let it reduce. Add another sip of red wine.

Add the sliced tomatoes and some water. Let it reduce. Add a little bit of water. Let it reduce. Add more water. Add the oregano (why do we add the oregano now? Because if we add it in the beginning of the roasting process, the oregano would burn, and we would have to throw the sauce away) and all the other spices.

Then let it cook on low heat for 5 hours. Always take care to have enough water in the pot so that all meat is covered. When you now look into your pot you should have a nice red oil sea on top of your sauce. The red oil is what gives the nice red color to the noodles — and no, it’s not the sauce 😉

I am sure you will enjoy your sauce Bolognese!

See you next week for another delicious recipe!

Enjoy your meal!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at www.facebook.com/CookingWithKlaus or via email at CookingwithKlaus@web.de.

Featured Image Photo Credit: © riggsby / Shutterstock.com