Ingredients (for 4 people) • 4 chicken breasts • 4-6 red/purple onions • 1 cup red wine • 1 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • Salt to taste • Ground white pepper • Sweet paprika • 2 pre-packaged Gnocchi packs Ingredients for salad • Radicchio lettuce •Continue Reading

Don’t miss your chance to win a 25 euro gift card for area businesses in the 2 February edition of the Herald Union.  Win great gift cards from: Kunst Zimmer Nane Rosa, Galli Theater Wiesbaden, Vacation at Casa Chiara, Wiesbaden Phantoms, Ticket Counter and TIXS Wiesbaden. CONTEST RULES* In the 2 February editionContinue Reading

The Do-It-Yourself public trade fair all about arts & crafts, design, handcraft, baking and cooking will be held from 17th to 19th February 2017 in the Messecenter Rhein-Main Wallau. TV presenter Tine Wittler will be this years´ special guest. The trade fair will take place in the Messecenter Rhein-Main WallauContinue Reading

The museum in the Freudenberg Castle (Schloss Freudenberg) is an unforgettable experience as you explore the wonders of senses and the mind. History This 20th century restored building has been known as the “Museum of Senses” since 1993. Built as a villa for residents by the architect Paul Schultze-Naumburg, the Schloss Freudenberg is richContinue Reading