Cooking with Klaus – Chicken Breast with Onion Sauce!

Ingredients (for 4 people)

• 4 chicken breasts
• 4-6 red/purple onions
• 1 cup red wine
• 1 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• Salt to taste
• Ground white pepper
• Sweet paprika
• 2 pre-packaged Gnocchi packs

Ingredients for salad
• Radicchio lettuce
• Iceberg lettuce
• 1 tablespoons mustard
• 2 cups sunflower oil
• Salt ground white pepper
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• Finely diced onions
• 1 teaspoon vinegar if you like

Heat the oven to 300 F.

Bring the salted water to a boil for the Gnocchi. Also, heat a pan with the vegetable oil in it. Season the chicken breast with pepper, salt and paprika. Put the chicken in the hot oil and roast it on all sides on medium high. Let the chicken breasts rest on a plate in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Add Gnocchi to boiling water. Cut peeled onions into quarter pieces and add this to the pan where the chicken was roasted. Slightly roast the onions until they are a nice brown color. Add red wine, salt, pepper and paprika. Let this simmer for 5 minutes or so. At the end, add balsamic to taste to the sauce.

To make the French dressing for the salad, whisk the mustard adding oil to it, drop by drop. If you add the oil too quickly, it will sit on top of the mustard. If that happens, you can add a bit of hot water so the oil and mustard blend better. Once all the oil is whisked in, add spices, finely diced onions and vinegar, if you like a tart taste added into the dressing.

Once the Gnocchi are done, put them in a non-stick pan with melted butter. Roast them slightly and add a pinch of salt, if you didn’t add salt to the boiling water. Fresh basil will give a nice garnish to the Gnocchi. It must be fresh.

Take the chicken breasts out of oven and let them rest for 2. Slice the meat in a 45 degree angle. This makes for a nice presentation.
You can place the Gnocchi on one side of the plate, the chicken on the other and drizzle the sauce over the chicken.

Mix the lettuces together after washing and cutting into bite size pieces. Add the dressing. Just a perfect meal for spring!

See you next week!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at or via email

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Mateusz Gzik /