
Frankfurt is one of the most interesting cities in Germany, a financial powerhouse and incredibly culturally rich, it is also the smallest metropolis in the world. Frankfurt architecture is filled with bold high-rise buildings that dominate the skyline but taking a trip down Main and you’ll see the 13 museumsContinue Reading

Shaved black truffle Crudo

by Krystal White, Contributing writer We smell autumn first before its colors can be seen. We then feel its coolness in the morning or evening air. Finally, we hear its crunch in crisp apples or crinkly leaves. The prizes of autumn come from the earth: apples, pumpkins, mushrooms, nuts andContinue Reading

This Czech city is driving distance from many U.S. Army and Air Force bases here in Germany (5.5 hours from Ramstein, 5 from Wiesbaden, 4.5 from Stuttgart and only 2.5 from Grafenwoehr) and with a little planning, can be a much more affordable trip than to Paris or Venice, without sacrificing the incredible architecture, wonderful restaurants and conveniences of it’s more well-travelled counterparts. Continue Reading

Christmas Markets in Germany

The Christmas Markets of Germany are the best part of Christmas in Germany. If you are stationed in Europe during the holidays, this is a something you can’t miss out on. Even if you plan to travel or head home for Christmas, the markets kick off at the end of November, so you’ll have plenty of time to get your share of Glühwein (mulled wine) and Nutella smothered crepes or waffles!Continue Reading

Phantasialand near Cologne might be a bit of a drive (2.5 hours from Ramstein) but it’s the perfect place for a weekend away, with or without the kids. This theme park is has hotels, restaurants, dinner shows, and regular events. The 6 different theme areas in the park will let you take your kids around the world, without leaving Germany!Continue Reading

Wuerzburg Germany

The city of Würzburg (sometimes spelled “Wuerzburg”) is a must-see for Americans living in central Germany! Only 60 miles southeast of Frankfurt, a 2.5 hour drive from Ramstein and only 1.5 hours from Wiesbaden or Stuttgart military communities. It is located along the Main River in one of largest wine-growing areas in Germany, Würzburg boasts numerous world class historical sites, unique Frankish cuisine, and great hospitality. Continue Reading