With the 2015 BMW-Berlin Marathon just finished, I have gathered some tips for those with the goal of completing the 42.2 kilometers in 2016. Personally, I run only when chased, however my husband has been doing marathons for many years and one of his goals was to run a marathonContinue Reading

Can’t decide if you want to spend your weekend sitting outside drinking beer or going on a bicycle ride through the city? Well, with the Mainz Beer Bike you can do both! Anytime you see Beer Bikes in big cities they are always the main attraction on the street! Everyone wavingContinue Reading

What brings people, couples, friends, towns together to rejoice with great enthusiasm? Love? Freedom? World Peace? No. The answer is: Wine Fests. Every year in the middle of August, the Rheingau Wine Week is held in Wiesbaden for 10 glorious days! Located around the historic town hall, there are anContinue Reading

Take a scenic tour while having a real workout on a Draisine. A Draisine is a trolley that travels along railroad tracks and is propelled by its riders. Pack yourself a picnic basket or dine at one of the restaurant along the way. Continue Reading