Seewoog parkrun in Ramstein-Miesenbach will soon be the 9th parkrun event to launch in Germany and will be officially opened by the Mayor of Ramstein, Ralf Hechler on 15 September, 2018 at 9:00am. It will take place at the same time every Saturday thereafter. parkrun is the biggest running eventContinue Reading

No more than 30 minutes away from the KMC, snow leopards bound over rocks, Asian elephants lazily congregate in groups and giraffes enjoy snacks picked from tall trees. Neunkirchen Zoo offers visitors the full experience, featuring animals from the savannas of Africa, plains of Australia, Europe and beyond. The zooContinue Reading

One of the most difficult aspects of moving to a new area, especially an entirely new country and continent, is figuring out the “usual” or “favorite” spots. The places that the locals and residential veterans know but a recently PCS-ed person or family has yet to find. The good thingContinue Reading

Due to host nation regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, some flea markets may be cancelled or postponed, and travel to neighboring countries may not be allowed. Please verify the status before making plans to attend. We live in an area where lots of attention is given to theContinue Reading

Spring is upon us with exciting festivities in tow. Though spring festivals may be sneakily disguised as Weinfest, Stadtfest, Frühlingsfest, Frühlingsmesse and other blossoming terms, we have uncovered their true identities: sunny and delicious fun for the whole family. Find culinary delicacies, regional wine, kids entertainment and live music alongContinue Reading

Chilis are healthy and entirely natural flavor enhancers that are often underappreciated on this side of the world despite their oustanding heakth benefits and helpfulness in the kitchen. There are more than 1000 different types varying in flavor, degree of spicyness, shape and color. “Pika Pika‘s” goal is to introduceContinue Reading