Newquay is a town whose name, unless you’ve already happened to come across it on Ryanair’s list of cheapest destinations, you’ve most likely never heard of. That’s a great tragedy of course but, not to worry, you have me to tell you where, when and why to make sure you do not leave Europe without having experienced the magic of Cornwall first-hand.
And, spoiler alert, plane tickets are available from €10!

Its beautiful landscape and convenient airport make it a popular location for bachelor parties, family trips and more but, fear not, a short walk along the coastline will give you all the privacy you’re looking for.
Things to do
Main street is filled with touristy shops, Cornish meat pasties, arcades and beach wear shops for those ultimate vacation vibes but you’ll be surprised how quickly you can find yourself all alone with nothing but miles of grass and water to every side and the wind in your hair. (Seemingly coming from every side as well- welcome to England.)

Nicknamed surfers’ paradise, Newquay is famous for its waves and offers great surfing opportunities to adventurers of all ages and levels of expertise.
We met several solo travellers who flew there specifically to go hiking but even a casual stroll can take you to exciting places that will immediately make you feel far, far away from your troubles. There are multiple paths in all directions inviting you to walk along the breathtaking cliffs or sandy beaches. You can spend hours sitting on sunny rocks and just listening to the waves crash against the shore or exploring Cornwall’s characteristic nature on foot.

A little train departing in the pedestrian zone invites you to join a memorable roundtrip to the town’s sights where you can get a look around and gain a general idea of the city’s structure. It also functions as excellent public transport thanks to its hop-on/ hop-off system.
Those traveling with children will be happy to hear that there is not only a zoo and an aquarium but ocean-view playgrounds to make sure everybody on the trip has all the fun in the sun.
If you’re interested in learning more about maritime creatures, plants and the area’s history, you should consider going on one of the boat tours starting at the harbour, which will show you land and sea from a whole new perspective.
A number of authentic, exotic cuisines like African, Indian and Mexican along with English chains such as Pizza Express and Prezzo as well as an Irish pub can be found. Of course you can just get a good old burger, too, but if you’re looking for the most English thing to do: stop by one of the many Chippies all over town and treat yourself to a classic Fish and Chips dinner.
The Atlantic is a four star hotel located on top of a small hill for your evening workout delight that can only be topped by a mesmerising sunset over the water, which can be enjoyed from the indoor and outdoor pool.
The Headland is a high class spa hotel for that incomparably relaxing evening or day off you sometimes just need. And want. It’s right on Fistral Beach and surrounded by not much else except a golf course and a view you are not likely to forget any time soon.
The Legacy Hotel Victoria is a traditional, old mansion right by the water, including a private, ocean-view terrace, gym, pool and a Jacuzzi with -you guessed it- a fabulous view of the sea.
Since I’m out of oceanic synonyms, we are moving a little further downtown. Across the street, to be exact. Newquay is packed with typically English Bed and Breakfasts like the Pencrebar on Berry Road. Mike and Gill personally cook a delicious hot breakfast every morning and serve it with a weak cup of coffee and an anecdote to start your day right. It includes all standard amenities with that special charm only a family business can create.
Thanks to Newquay’s cozy size and shape, every hotel automatically comes with a convenient location, whether you are looking to unplug, dance the night away, simply sit by the beach or explore the famous Cornish countryside. Any type of traveller will be able to create their ideal vacation here and yup, you just ran out of excuses not to go.

Getting there
Ryanair is God’s gift to low standard travellers looking to discover new places on a budget. I paid 10 whole Euros per flight. That means, including airport transportation, it cost me about €60 from my house to the hotel and back home again.
Frankfurt Hahn Airport is located about 1 hour from Wiesbaden and Mainz and 2.5 hours from Stuttgart. Affordable long-term parking is available for booking in advance with
Unfortunately, there are only 2 flights a week, on Thursdays and Sundays, so you might have to take a day or two off work. Luckily, Newquay is absolutely worth it.
Author’s profile: Leonie is a poetry-loving literature student with a passion for small towns, road trips, and breakfast food that’s being served at all hours of the day. When she isn’t hopping from one bargain flight to the next, she is making sure you’re hanging with the locals and staying updated on events in your area.
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