KMC: Rheinland-Pfalz announces three-step plan for easing COVID restrictions

Courtesy Translation by Nadine Bower
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden
May 14 2021

On May 11, Rheinland-Pfalz Minister Malu Dreyer announced a three-step plan for safely re-opening the state. A full translation of the Minister President’s comments in English is available here.

Previously, the Minister President had agreed with the local associations, the chambers of commerce and industry and the retail representatives on the details of the three-step opening concept. All parties involved are aware of their high responsibility. They want to secure the opening strategy with the already tried and tested “Alliance for Safe Opening,” which puts testing, hygiene requirements and controls in the foreground.

“The Corona pandemic puts our patience and endurance to a very hard test. This exceptional situation affects all of us, but for many families and children it is particularly difficult and threatens the existence of many sectors of the economy. The month of May brings bridge days and the Pentecost holidays. People are yearning for some normality and trade, hotels and restaurants urgently need revenue,” said Minister President Malu Dreyer. This will be made possible by the Rheinland-Pfalz perspective plan in three cautious steps.

Ascension Day: Level 1 for trade, low-contact holidays and more sports

In counties and district-free cities, which have an incidence of less than 100 for five days in a row and where the federal emergency brake does not apply, all trade can reopen from Wednesday, May 12. The same conditions apply as currently do in grocery stores.

“Low-contact vacationing” gets green light

In addition, low-contact vacationing is possible again. Overnight stays in vacation apartments and in motorhomes and caravans that have their own sanitary facilities will then be allowed again. “Low contact” overnight stays in hotels are also possible again, for example, if breakfast is served in the room and if a private bathroom is available. However, a test is required on arrival and afterwards every 48 hours for the stay.

Sports possible again

In sports, too, contact-free sports are possible again. This also applies to areas of soccer training where distance can be kept. Indoor sports are possible within the scope of the contact restriction if minimum distances are kept and the person limit is no more than one person per 40sqm. In addition, a maximum of up to 20 children will be allowed to do sports together again.

Pentecost Holiday: Level 2 for hotel stays and cultural offers

Just in time for Pentecost, cultural events and sports with spectators will be allowed outdoors with a test starting on May 21. Here the upper limit is 100 people who must have assigned seats. Distance rules must be observed when assigning seats.

Group sports can also be practiced outside with a maximum of five people from a maximum of five households, even under the guidance of a trainer. With an incidence of less than 50, indoor gastronomy and cultural offers inside are again possible with distance, test and mask.

Corpus Christi Holiday: Level 3 for outdoor pools, culture and indoor dining

The third stage of the perspective plan for the Corpus Christi holiday will open hotels in general with test as well as outdoor pools starting on Jun 2. Inside gastronomy and indoor cultural offerings such as theaters, opera houses, movie theaters and museums are also open, wherever the Federal Emergency Brake does not apply, requiring a negative test result.

In addition, hotels can also offer gastronomic offers again. Very important for young people: Youth offers with overnight stays can also be carried out again. For sports clubs and fitness centers, indoor and outdoor sports training is possible again for one person per 20 square meters. Adult groups can also exercise inside with five people, observing distance requirements.

In case of an incidence below 50, group sports outdoors are also possible again with a maximum of 20 adults under distance requirements.

Model projects for sports, amateur music, theaters and events

“With our three-stage plan, we have adopted safe regulations in Rheinland-Pfalz that allow all municipalities with stable incidences below 100 to open in cautious steps. The concept of model municipalities has been superfluous due to the nationwide opening steps now envisioned,” said the Minister President.

For this reason, the state is now working on model projects with scientific support in the field of sports in Trier, amateur music and choral singing in coordination with the municipal top associations, theater operations in Mainz or events with outdoor spectators at the Nürburgring. Details will be discussed with local counties and non-circular cities in the coming days.

“Of course, the opening stages only apply in counties and cities with a 7-day incidence of less than 100. Where this number is exceeded, the Federal Emergency Brake applies again. The danger from the virus has not yet been eliminated. We must therefore remain cautious and use strength and solidarity to overcome this crisis. But we can look forward to this summer with hope and confidence,” the Minister President said.
