A Pumpkin Soup Recipe

It’s that time of year….fall is here and the pumpkins are ready! Here is a very simple recipe for some sweet and delicious Pumpkin Soup.


1 medium pumpkin
1 carton organic chicken broth
1 small carton whipping cream
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 TBSP butter
Dash of cinnamon
Dash of nutmeg
Dash of thyme


I bought a pumpkin from a field in Ramstein that I saw as I was driving by. I cut the top and bottom off and then sliced it in half. I removed all of the insides and placed the pumpkin in the oven with some olive oil and baked it until it was soft and the skin was easy to remove. Then I put the flesh, syrup and butter into a blender until it was pureed. The puree goes into a stovetop pot with ¾ of the chicken broth and the carton of whipping cream. I stirred in some cinnamon, nutmeg and thyme until I got the taste I liked. We ate the soup hot without any garnishes but you can add dried cranberries, walnuts and roasted pumpkin seeds if you like.

Cheryl Photo 1 Pumpkin Soup Recipe
© Cheryl Koller

The soup is very rich and sweet and some might prefer it cold. This makes several servings, so you can play around with the temperature and the mix of broth and whipping cream.

Serve it up in your favorite bowl or if you are really feeling festive, purchase a few of the smaller pumpkins, carve them out and serve. Guten appetite!

Author’s Profile: Cheryl Koller is a native of Georgia. She is a DOD spouse, mom of 4 daughters (2 adults and 2 teens), thrill-seeker, avid traveler, and lover of food and wine. She is a self-proclaimed Freedom-Preneur and Blogger currently living in Ramstein with her family.

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Cheryl Koller