Cooking with Klaus – One Pot Chicken Pasta Meal

Ingredients for 4 people

Slightly more than 1 pound of chicken
breast, diced in ½ inch cubes
1 cup sundried tomatoes, chopped in half
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground white pepper
1 teaspoon dried oregano
A sprinkle of chili
8 ounces cream
1 tablespoon chicken broth
1 quart water
1 pound penne noodles
½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup mozzarella cheese, finely diced in
½ inch cubes


In a Dutch oven pot, heat the oil and roast chicken on all sides. Season with salt, pepper, chili and oregano. Add tomatoes. Roast all for a few minutes. Add cream, broth and water. Once this boils, add pasta. Put in a 180 degree Celsius oven. Allow to cook for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Three minutes before penne noodles are done, add the mozzarella and chopped parsley.

Gently stir mozzarella and parsley into mixture. When the pasta is done, you are ready to add the chicken to the pot. Stir and you are ready to serve.

A nice side dish is a light summer salad with tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers. Vinegar and oil dressing is typical for this salad.
The dressing has a touch of salt, sugar and ground white pepper for flavor.

Join us again next time!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at or via email at

Featured Image Photo Credit: © siamionau pavel /