Cooking with Klaus – Parmesan Flank Steak with Rosemary Potatoes

Ingredients for 4 people

• 2 pounds small potatoes (in Germany they are called Drillinge)
• 8 tomatoes
• 4-5 all spice corns
• 10 black pepper corns
• 12 tablespoons olive oil
• 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary
• Salt and pepper for seasoning
• 8 thin cut fl ank steaks, 2 ounces a piece
• 4 eggs
• ½ cup ground parmesan
• 2 tablespoons fl our
• ½ cup chopped parsley


Wash potatoes, rub them dry, cut them in half and place in a bowl. Cut tomatoes in half. Put all corns in a mortar and grind them. After they are finely ground add 6-7 tablespoons of oil.

Remove all the needles from the rosemary sprig and roughly chop and add to the mixture. Now, add 1 teaspoon salt. Pour oil mixture over the potatoes.
Put parchment paper on a baking tray. Spread potatoes onto tray. Place cut tomatoes on the left and right of the potatoes. Drizzle remaining oil from the potatoes onto the tomatoes. Put in a 220 degree oven, (no convection) for 25 minutes. Place on the second from bottom rack in the oven.

Tenderize the steaks and season with salt and pepper. Scramble eggs and add cheese. Put our on a plate. Dredge steaks through our on both sides, and then in the egg and cheese mixture.
Heat a pan with the remaining oil, about 4-5 tablespoons. Put steaks in the pan and roast on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Allow steak to drain oil on a paper towel.

You are ready to plate. Garnish with parsley. A great wine to serve with this beef meal would be a rich red wine. For example a good Bardolino from Northern Italy, or a nice Beaujolais from France would be lovely. Or if you want to stay local with the wine, Dornfelder will always work.

Guten Appetit!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at or via email at

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Vittorio Caramazza /