Kassler is a German specialty – salted, smoked and boiled pork. We will serve it with salted potatoes & red cabbage.


• 1 slice of Kassler per person (you will find it on the economy)
• 3 medium sized potatoes per person (best will be when you get the so called festkochend potatoes on the economy for salted potatoes)
• 1 teaspoon of salt
• Red cabbage
• Tablespoon of margarine


First, peel and cut the potatoes into 4 pieces of the same size. Then boil the potatoes in salted water (potatoes have to be covered with water) until they are cooked through.
In a sauce pan, melt the margarine and roast the slices of Kassler on both sides. Place a lid onto the pot and reduce the heat. If you have bought a whole piece of Kassler, cut slices about 1” thick.
Meanwhile the potatoes should be done. Serve the Kassler on a plate, the potatoes in a bowl and the red cabbage in another bowl.

For the red cabbage, view recipe here.

Join us again next time!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at www.facebook.com/CookingWithKlaus or via email at CookingwithKlaus@web.de.

Featured Image Photo Credit: © veou / Shutterstock.com