Weimar Christmas Market

When the town center of Weimar is lit up by fairy lights every evening, the aromas of roasted almonds and fresh Stollen cake waft through the streets, and the strains of carols can be heard, the Christmas Market has clearly opened again! Apart from lapping up the cosy atmosphere, visitorsContinue Reading

Constance Christmas Market

During the advent period in the run-up to Christmas, the historic inner city in Constance is filled with Christmas market stalls stretching right up to the harbor. The large Christmas market attracts more than 400,000 visitors every year. Over 130 artisans, traders and food vendors spread their wares creating anContinue Reading

Osnabrueck Christmas Market

The old Town Hall, St. Mary’s Church and St. Peter’s Cathedral are parts of the setting that gives the Osnabrück Christmas market its special ambiance. It is the snug atmosphere that makes the historical market one of the most beautiful in Northern Germany. More than 100 stalls offer all kindsContinue Reading

Probably the most well known German Christmas market is the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg. There is a written record of it as early as 1628. More than two million visitors from all over the world are expected to visit Nuremberg Christkind. The special charm of the Christkindlesmarkt lies in the historicContinue Reading

Wiesbaden Twinkling Start Christmas Market

This year, the Twinkling Star Christmas Market in Wiesbaden celebrates its 13th birthday. Whilst in Christmas market terms this a fairly new market, it is certainly wasting no time in setting its own traditions. Prepare yourself for an atmospheric pre-Christmas journey of discovery, a festival for the senses amidst craftsmanshipContinue Reading

Christmas Markets in Germany

The Christmas Markets of Germany are the best part of Christmas in Germany. If you are stationed in Europe during the holidays, this is a something you can’t miss out on. Even if you plan to travel or head home for Christmas, the markets kick off at the end of November, so you’ll have plenty of time to get your share of Glühwein (mulled wine) and Nutella smothered crepes or waffles!Continue Reading