Osnabrueck Christmas Market

Osnabrück Christmas Market

The old Town Hall, St. Mary’s Church and St. Peter’s Cathedral are parts of the setting that gives the Osnabrück Christmas market its special ambiance. It is the snug atmosphere that makes the historical market one of the most beautiful in Northern Germany.

More than 100 stalls offer all kinds of handcrafts, pastries and sweets. A central attraction and favored place to meet is the world’s largest Christmas music box. Its life-sized figures turn into 25 well-known Christmas carols.

Atmospheric bright lights illuminate the historic city center, a lovingly-restored children’s merry-go-round from 1907, and the festively-decorated stalls offering craftwork, wooden toys, or sweets. Of course a hot mug of mulled wine and Osnabrück’s sausage-speciality the “Käsegriller” are musts on a visit to this very special Christmas market.

Santa Claus visits every day to open a new window on the huge Advent calendar in front of the “Rathaus” (Town Hall) where Osnabrück’s Peace Treaty of Westphalia was signed in 1648. A Highlight not only for the children: Nuremberg’s Christ Child will visit the Christmas market on Sun 15th Dec at 5:30pm.

Osnabrück Christmas Market Opening Times

26th Nov to 22nd Dec 2014

Contact: Tourist Information

Phone: + 49 541 – 323 2202; www.osnabrueck.de/weihnachtsmarkt

Image © Market Square, Cathedral/Große Domsfreiheit Osnabrück, OMT/Heese.