The Parkstein Ruins and Volcano Church in Grafenwoehr

story and photos by Lisa Schlereth

The cute town of Parkstein is built on an inactive volcano and is a 15-20 minute drive from Grafenwoehr in Germany. With walking trails leading up the volcano, ruins to explore, and a church perched on the very top, this is a great way to a leisurely afternoon exploring.

The trail is easy to walk and well maintained with benches and breathtaking views along the way. There are quite a number of stairs, so leave the stroller in the car.  We had our 2, 5, and 7 year old boys with us and they were able to easily walk the path, although there were a few steep areas that we chose to carry our 2 year old through.


Fortress Parkstein, was built around the year 1000. You are free to walk, touch, and explore the ruins at no charge and a short walk from there takes you to the top of the mountain.  At the top,  you’ll get our first glimpse of the Volcano Church. You can go through the heavy doors and look around or take a seat at one of the benches and take it all in.

We sat and enjoyed the view before making our way back down.

Overall, it wasn’t a long or vigorous walk and our family spent a total of 2 hours at the site, exploring. The basalt formations are stunning as well. We had an amazing time!


Lisa Schlereth is a proud military spouse and busy mother of four with a passion for photography, food, travel, and trying new things. As a photographer, currently running her own business here in Germany, she is going to let us join along on her adventures in Bavaria and beyond!  Check out here other articles on

Megaplay Indoor Playground

Exploring Garmisch in Winter

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