Cooking with Klaus – Pork Filet with Mushroom Cream Sauce

Ingredients (for 4 people)

2 pounds pork filets
Approx. 1 pound fresh mushrooms
1 cup liquid cream
¼ cup finely diced onions
¼ cup chopped parsley
4 tablespoons vegetable oil


Cut the filets into 1 inch thick slices. Brush off the dirt from the mushrooms. In a nonstick pan, add oil and roast the filets on both sides for 2 minutes on high medium heat.
Season the filets with salt and pepper and put them in a preheated oven at 100-120 degrees Celsius.

In the same pan, roast the mushrooms and then the onions on high heat for 2-3 minutes. If the mushrooms are really large, cut them in half or even quarters. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Add the liquid cream and reduce the heat to medium. Add the filets to the pan and let simmer for 5 minutes. Add the chopped parsley to the sauce.

A great side dish for this is Spaetzle. You can buy them at the commissary or on the economy or make them from scratch. Roasted potatoes are also a nice choice with this meal. You can also add
peas and carrots as a second side dish. It is important to not add all of the liquid in the jars when heating these vegetables up. Just a tablespoon of liquid and a tablespoon of butter should be added to the vegetables. Season to taste and heat for 5 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

See you next time!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at or via email at

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Frank Gaertner /