Ingredients for 4 people

2 cups cherries, pitted
2 ¼ cups cherry juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon potato starch
1 ½ cup flour
1 -1 ¼ cup milk
½ teaspoon sugar
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons margarine
4 scoops of vanilla Ice cream
Whipped cream to taste


Pour sugar over cherries and let sit for 1 hour. In a small pot heat cherries and cherry juice, less ¼ cup of cherry juice (the remaining juice will be put in the actual crepe batter). Remove some of the liquid while it is still cold and add the starch to it. As the mixture simmers, pour the starch liquid back into the pot. Stir constantly to prevent lumping of starch. Let it simmer for 6-8 minutes. Set it aside as you prepare the crepe batter.
Mix flour, milk, sugar, cherry juice and cinnamon, making a thin batter. Add eggs, whisking them into the batter gently. In a small pan, heat margarine. Pour batter in so it is 1/8 inch high in pan on medium heat. Turn after 1.5-2 minutes, and cook other side of crepe. Remove after another 1.5 minutes. Place in a 50 degree Celsius oven to keep warm. Cook remaining crepes.
Add ¼ of the cherry sauce to each crepe. Fold in thirds. Add Vanilla Ice Cream and your desired whipped cream for a lovely cherry dessert!

Join us again next time!

If you are interested in setting up a cooking class with Klaus, he can be found on facebook at or via email at

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