
How to use your GPS for Geocaching

Geocaching is something of a virtual treasure hunt. A team of individuals work together in a specific geographic location to discover a stash. The game is played year round by outdoor enthusiasts who love a great adventure. These enthusiasts rely on GPS navigation tools to find hidden treasures. Geocaching is something like a high-tech treasure or scavenger hunt.


What is the objective of geocaching?

The geocaching game consists of individuals competing with one another to find hidden containers. These hidden containers are geocaches and are strategically hidden outdoors. This sophisticated treasure hunt objective is to find the most geocaches. The game can be played for as long as the team members would like to play. The game usually lasts at least one hour. Caches come in different sizes and can vary in value.

Several approaches to the game

Different versions of the game exist. In one version, the one with the most geocaches is the winner. In a less competitive version of the game, items are simply retrieved and replaced by items of comparable or higher value. You have the option of restocking the cache and opt out of emptying the cache once you’ve found it. In some cases, there can be multiple caches hidden.

Specifics of the game

First, you must sign up on a caching site. You don’t pay to become a member of site but premium membership is often an option. You look up cache activity on a website to locate caches in the area you are visiting or playing. Your cache will likely be rated in accordance with difficulty. If you are a beginner, you might want to start on the lower levels until you get good at the game. Next, you set up a waypoint in your GPS using coordinates based on the description provided on that particular cache. Following the hints provided, you can find the hidden cache. Once the item is removed, the cache should be replaced with something of value. If there is a logbook located, an entry should be made. The new cache should be hidden in the same manner the other item was retrieved. You should then log your visit on the website you registered with to indicate that you’ve successfully discovered the item. Any information you included in the logbook should ideally be entered on the website.

How far do you want to take it?

Some treat this as a one day event for family and friends traveling to a particular location. Others have taken the pastime and turned it into a hobby. Hobbyists join organizations that regular hold events and training for this activity. Individuals can join an organization and gain access to training. Sometimes these events are held in conjunction with cook-offs or held independently.

GPS caching is a high-tech scavenger hunt played by a team of enthusiasts who seek out these items using GPS devices. The primary objective is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors. The thrill of the game can be in just getting to the destination or in actually finding the treasure itself.


Caches Near Your installation

It is worth mentioning that geocaching is quite popular in Germany. In fact, you will find many caches to discover right near your military installation by going to Geocaching. Some hints/instructions will be in German, but many people add details in English too. It’s a great fun way to get the whole family to discover the German woods or a trail together.

Author Profile:
Aubrey Moulton is a writer for In her spare time she loves to read and go hiking.