Tortilla de Patatas Española

On a recent trip to Spain, our host served up a traditional dish called Tortilla de Española. This super versatile dish is served at room temperature, which means there’s no wrong time for leftovers. It can be a “breakfast on the go” or served for an afternoon snack, lunch or appetizers. I realize the irony in a self-proclaimed “mediocre cook” posting a recipe, but that shows just how easy this delectable dish is to make!

IngredientsTortilla eggs in bowl

  • 6 Eggs
  • Splash of milk (approx. 1T)
  • 6 medium size potatoes peeled and sliced thin (less than ½ inch)
  • 1 medium white onion (julienne- cut in long thin strips)
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil

PreparationTortilla potatoes and onion raw

1. Over medium heat, deep fry potatoes and onion in vegetable oil in a big frying pan (oil covering potatoes). Do not over fry. Potatoes should not brown and are ready when fork tender.Tortilla spatula edges

2. Once they are cooked, place potatoes and onions on a flat plate with a paper towel to get rid of the extra oil.

3. In a large bowl whip the eggs and then add the milk and salt to taste (do not pepper).

4. Add cooked potatoes and onions to the eggs and mix well until eggs cover the potatoes.

5. Grease a medium size frying pan with just enough vegetable oil to coat the pan.

6. When oil is heated, add the potato and egg mix to the pan and cook on low heat. As the eggs begin to cook, use a rubber spatula to loosen the omelet from the edges of the pan. Moving the pan around frequently will prevent burning while you wait for eggs to set (15-20 minutes).

7. Once the mixture is mostly set (eggs will still be runny in middle), completely cover the frying pan with a flat plate and quickly (but carefully) flip the tortilla onto the plate.

Tortilla with plate on top to flip

8. Then drizzle some oil back in the pan and slide the mixture back in to cook the other side. Place back over medium heat and continue to cook for about 10 minutes.

9. Test with a sharp knife in the middle to see if eggs are not runny.Tortilla with knife

10. Once cooked, slide onto flat plate and enjoy!

Author’s Profile: Kelly is a DOD wife, devoted dog-mom, a mediocre cook, a whiskey aficionado and an avid traveler who’s exploring the Kaiserslautern area with dog and husband in tow.