Top Tips To Prepare Your Skin For A Long-Distance Flight

On a long flight whether you fly First Class or Space-A, the the stale air and lack of movement will takes it’s toll on your skin. When celebrities fly they look so fresh on arrival, as if they have just stepped out of a beauty spa, even after long flights. You too can achieve this fresh look and be the envy of your co-passengers if you follow these top tips…

Keep your skin hydrated

We all know that air travel can be extremely dehydrating, even when you travel short distances. There are several skin supplements or moisturizers available in the market that are effective and using them regularly during the flight will keep the skin fresh looking. However, the most effective way to hydrate comes from within, drink plenty of water while in the air and your skin will thank you by looking radiant and fresh on arrival!flightskincare1 copy

Cleanse your skin

Many are of the opinion that a flight has a clean environment and hence cleansing is overdoing the skin care. This is a very harmful misconception. The skin excretes dirt of its own. This is why it is highly advisable that you cleanse your skin during a flight more than once, the last time just before landing time.

Moisturize your hands

We often think that by skin we only mean facial skin. It is just as important to remember that your hand and palm skin can get dry and dehydrated too. Moisturize your hands at regular intervals by applying hand & nail creams. It is advisable to make sure they are clean first though so if you can’t get to the bathroom easily a baby wipe will do.

Care for your hair

Your head secretes oils for the scalp to remain hydrated by itself but this also attracts dirt. There are several dry shampoos available on the market especially for air travel purposes and these will keep your hair from looking greasy and limp on arrival.

Carry an eye-roller

It is but obvious that a tired and well travelled body will affect the under-eye areas causing puffed skin and dark circles. An eye roller helps in such cases. Remember to use one whenever your eyes or eyelashes feel strained and heavy.

Use a Sleep Mask

One needs to sleep at least for a while during a long flight and although we all know it is hard, it is essential to maintain a fresher looking skin. Using a Sleep Mask will help you block out some of the light and aid restful sleep.

Remove your excess make-up

Although we all like to look our best, even on a long flight, it is advisable that you remove your make up while in the air. The makeup will only make your skin get more dehydrated and you can always re-apply a fresh covering just before you land.


It is a great idea to use a scrub on your face before you land if it is easy to gain access to the bathroom. Using a scrub will get rid of any dirt your face and will make your skin glow after you moisturise.

Use a brow pencil

Use a brow pencil before you get off the flight along with a cleaned face with a well combed hair will help you look like you just came out from a spa rather than a long flight.

Following these essential tips for high-flighing skin care will keep your skin and appearance fresh even after long tiring flights to the envy of your co-passengers. So, Happy Flying!

Author profile:
Nelson Homes is a blogger for Hall and Wrye. For more information visit – He likes to blog for beauty and skin care related topics. In his free time likes to research on various cosmetic surgery procedures.