The London Eye

The London Eye

Are you considering a family trip to London whilst you are in Europe? With Spring just around the corner, there isn’t a better time to visit the most popular tourist destination in Europe. We will be publishing a range of articles on getting the best out of a weekend in the capital of Great Britain.

We start with one of London’s most popular attractions, which is also one of its newest – the London Eye.

The London EyeSince opening in March 2000 the EDF Energy London Eye has become an iconic landmark and a symbol of modern Britain and is the UK’s most popular paid for visitor attraction with over 3.5 million customers every year.

Once up in one of its capsules you can see up to 40 km away (weather depending) and on a very clear day you can see as far as Winsor Castle!

Back in 2000, the London Eye was known as the Millennium Wheel. It took seven years and the skills of hundreds of people from five countries to make the London Eye a reality and can hold up to 800 passengers per revolution! This is the equivalent to 11 London Double Decker buses! Each rotation takes about 30 minutes, meaning a capsule travels at a stately 26cm per second, or 0.9km (0.6 miles) per hour.
If you are planning to visit the Eye then it is sensible to plan you trip and book tickets in advance to save standing in line for an length of time.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe great thing about the Eye is it is so close to so many other amazing London Landmarks. It stands opposite the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben and it right next to the London Aquarium to name a few.

When planning your trip to London, make this first on your list, it really can’t be missed!

Travelling to London for a weekend is easy with Deutsche Bahn. You can reach London from Kaiserslautern in under 5 hours and under 6 hours from Frankfurt or Stuttgart. Prices start at just €59 one way.

Top tip: For the very best deals we recommend buying a BahnCard 25 and looking for “Sparangebote” (savings offers) so you can get the best prices on all your train travel.

This article is part of our series of London Guides.