Are you and your family looking for an adventure? If yes, you should head to Rutesheim for a ropes course, archery, mini-golf, good eats and more! Who doesn’t like to swing from tree to tree like Tarzan? Me for one, but my kids…well that’s a different story. This summer we tried the Freizeit Park Rutesheim near Stuttgart for some healthy fun with the kids.

Along with some new friends they met at the park, my kids chose to tackle the ropes course. The park has multiple skill levels, so no one was that much intimidated. This is a great place for team-building exercises as you will learn to trust others and yourself. In addition, you will learn profound life lessons. I also quickly recognized my limitations and remembered lessons learned. One past lesson included an unlucky zip-lining incident. I realized I wasn’t ready for this, but my kids were.

Ropes Course

Rutesheim little guys trying
© Wendy Payne

Although we were there on an unusually cold June day, I can imagine a warmer day would have made a perfect outing. The ropes course is set in the woods. And what looked like miles and miles of ropes high above the trees, I let my kids try it out for me. I know I’m a chicken!

Rutesheim ropes course
© Wendy Payne

To register for the ropes course you must first fill out a waiver. You’ll find it as well as the price list along the “log cabin” wall. It cost us €19 for our older children and €16 for our 12 year old daughter. Our attendant fitted the kids with helmets and gloves and harnesses. By the way, you get to keep the gloves for next time! If it is your first time visiting, you’ll need to go through safety training. It only takes about 10 minutes and then you’re off… or up.

Other Activities

Rutesheim mini golf 2
© Wendy Payne

There are different combination packages if you would like to try some of the other activities including archery, bungee trampoline and the free-fall! The park has expanded this year to include climbing 2,000 meters. A few of the other activities in the park are Geo-caching (GPS scavenger hunts), Mini-golf (18 hole artificial turf course) and Curling (with three tracks). Stay tuned for an article on Curling! Curling is open during the winter months and you can enjoy yummy Gülaschsuppe, Glühwein and Schnapps.

Rutesheim signs for course
© Wendy Payne

Curling with three tracks is offered during the winter months. During night curling, yummy Glühwein, Gülaschsuppe and Schnapps are served. I can’t wait to write about this one!

Plenty to Eat

Rutesheim picnic area
© Wendy Payne

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Freizeit Park has plenty of snack, lunch and dinner options. There are a number of picnic tables if you decide to pack snacks or bring your own lunch. The snack bar at the ropes course does have a limited menu with drinks and some sandwiches.

We took a break around noon and walked down to the guest house for some Currywurst and French Fries. Also on the menu were cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, salads and other family favorites. We enjoyed sitting on comfy cushions at the picnic tables under umbrellas.

Getting There

Rutesheim Beginning Rope course
© Wendy Payne

If you are traveling from Stuttgart, it’s a short drives and is very close to Leonberg and Renningen (off of A8). Take the Rutesheim exit and then follow it straight across the intersection. There is plenty of parking close to the guest house or further back towards the ropes course. Monday is Ruhetag (day of rest), and the park opens during the summer at 1 p.m. Click on their website for more information.

We are excited about going back with a bigger group and maybe on a warmer day. I may even venture out on a limb or two. Click here for more information on this park and other fun day trips around Stuttgart.

Other Regional Ropes Courses

Rutesheim Autumn
© Wendy Payne

Forest Fun in Triberg
Gartenstraße 5
78136 Schonach im Schwarzwald
Telephone: +49 (0) 1520 60 34 979

Wilhelmstr. 45
71083 Herrenberg
Telephone: +49 (0) 7032 201 545

Waltklettergarten Stuttgart
Eisinger Str. 1
75245 Neulingen
Telephone: + 49 (0)7237 278 3657

Author’s Profile: Wendy Payne is a military spouse and lives with her family in Stuttgart, Germany. She is a freelance writer, blogger and photographer. She also enjoys gardening, hiking, yoga and sharing Europe with people.