
Halloween is just a little over two weeks away, but there’s still plenty of time left to shop for costumes. But with so many costumes and stores to choose from, how can you find the costumes you want at the prices you want?

1. Check Out Online Stores

This might be your best option for finding amazing deals because the websites you find are usually overstocked to begin with. In a last-ditch effort to clean their warehouses out, you might be able to find popular adult and children costumes with severe price cuts. Trying typing ‘Halloween Costumes’ into Google and see what stores show up that interest you. You never know what you could find.

2. Go Online to Look at Local Store Deals

You can also check out newspapers for these deals as well, but going online to the store’s main website is probably the best way to get the most up to date information. Like stores online, physical stores are also trying to clear out their Halloween costume inventory before the month ends, so you’ll find some deals if you look around.

3. Ask About Costumes with Defects

Often, costumes come with slight to moderate defects that compromise the integrity of the outfit being sold, which in turn get heavily discounted. While some costumes may be badly damaged and not worth your time, some costumes just have slight rips or have small problems that are barely noticeable, if at all. That said, it is not uncommon to find these costumes with upwards of 50 percent off their original price, or more! Ask your local stores or online stores if they have items like these.

4. See if Friends are Selling Old Costumes

If you’re really tight on cash but need a costume, perhaps asking your friends if they have old costumes to borrow or purchase is your best bet. Most of the time, people keep old costumes around just in case they’d like to wear them in the future. But more often than not, they end up purchasing new costumes, leaving the old ones to waste away in the attic. If they’re not going to wear it, why not you? Ask around to see if anyone has a costume they don’t want or are willing to let you borrow. What’s the worst that could happen? Or check out Classified World to see if there are any going for a song.

Halloween kids costumes5. Bundle Items to Save

Always ask stores if they offer savings when items are bundled together. Sometimes, you can save money by purchasing an item you had no intention of buying, which would give you the opportunity to save more than what the extra item cost due to bundled discounts. Check out coupons in the newspaper to see if these deals are present in your area, or even ask employees at the stores you’re interested in buying from offer such discounts.  

There’s nothing like the feeling of putting on a costume and immersing yourself in the world of your character. There’s also nothing like the feeling of being able to do this while saving a boatload of money at the same time. But Halloween is approaching fast, so I’d get out there as soon as possible and see what kind of savings you can get!

Author Profile:
Ms. Rhinehart writes for Long Island Toyota dealers and shares tips and tricks on the many topics she enjoys.