Baking Soda DIY Beauty

Achieving a flawless complexion does not mean you need to splurge on expensive cosmetics and skin care products – you can Do It Yourself! Baking soda can be found in most store cupboards and has immense beauty benefits. Use it on your hair, skin and teeth a here’s a few tips on how… 

Natural Face Cleanser

If you are tired of buying costly face washes and cleansers that deep clean the pores of your skin and leave you looking  fresh and radiant, then try this. Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate which is extremely effective in lifting dirt and removing from its surrounds. When you use baking soda to clean your face this natural chemical lifts off the deepest dirt and impurities from your face and cleanses your skin perfectly. Take some baking soda and mix it with warm water to make a soft paste. Massage gently on the face leaving the eye area. Keep it for on for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Removes Sun Tan

The patchy and decolorized skin which occurs due to the exposure of your skin to the sun is certainly very annoying especially when you are looking forward to sleeveless clothes in the summer. Just take two tea spoons of baking soda and add in two teaspoons of honey. Mix well. Add some mashed and over ripe banana into the paste and apply gently onto the tanned area. Leave this paste on for ten minutes and the wash off with fresh water. Pat the skin dry and avoid rubbing it too harsh with the towel. Not only will it even out your complexion but it also offers relief to any sun burnt area of the skin.

Baking Soda Face Pack

Try this anti-ageing face pack. Mix some baking soda with one full egg and some warm milk. Apply this face pack onto a clean face and let it dry for fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water and make sure there is no residue of baking soda after washing. This is a wonderful face pack for firming and tightening up the pores of the skin, which also gives a polished look with natural shine. This is particularly beneficial to oily skin but if you have sensitive skin or are vulnerable to break outs you should experiment on a smaller patch of skin first.

Powerful Exfoliator

Try preparing a natural scrub at home by taking two table spoons of oatmeal powder well grinded and one tea spoon of baking soda along with some warm water. See that it makes a fine paste which is not too diluted. Apply this mixture in your face gently in circular motion and scrub your face for two minutes. Let it dry and wash off with warm water as soon as it dries up. Do not do it for too long as you may risk getting skin rashes or irritation. Splash cool water on your skin, two or three times as the final rinse.

Effective Whitener For Teeth

Are you feeling embarrassed lately because of the faded white color or yellow color of your teeth? Do you feel that your teeth are not being cleaned properly even after brushing and cleaning them two times in a day? To help heal this problem, mix a little baking soda in with your regular tooth paste and brush your teeth with it. Avoid this one if you have sensitive teeth.

Relieves Sore Gums

If you suffer from sore gums try this this natural tooth powder. Take two tea spoons of baking soda and mix two tea spoons of sea salt into it. Add one tea spoon of clove powder to the mixture and shake well to form a fine powder. Massage your gums and teeth with this powder every night before going to bed after you are done with your routine teeth brushing. Do not rinse your mouth completely, leave the residue overnight to heal the gums.

Relief From Oily and Sticky Hair

A bad hair day is quite a common problem with people who have oily and sticky hair which captures dirt as soon as they leave the house. For a midday quick-fix or if you are heading straight out from work, try sprinkling some baking soda on your hair brush and comb your hair with it. It would absorb the excess dirt and sweat and give a natural polish and lustre to your hair, which will see you through to your next wash!

Author Profile:
Alex George is a blogger for and in his free time he likes to research on various techniques to enhance skin care & beauty.
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