Kloster Eberbach, Germany

Discover Kloster Eberbach near Wiesbaden

Kloster Eberbach (Eberbach Monastery) is a gorgeous old monastery near Wiesbaden and Frankfurt in Germany, is a fantastic day trip and a great place to take photos.  The grounds house several buildings that are open to explore, as well as a great German restaurant and a beautiful hotel.

Kloster Eberbach in Germany

This Cistercian monastery was founded in 1136 and is located near Eltville am Rhein, a quick drive from Frankfurt or Wiesbaden.  The monastery was the major wine-producer for the area, with the monks overseeing the operation.  Wine-tasting tours are available and are a great way to learn the history of the grounds and try some amazing wine produced in the area.  Click here for more information on the wine tours at Kloster Eberbach.

Kloster Eberbach near Eltville, Germany

The restaurant is open 7 days a week  from 11:30 am to 11 pm and enjoys both a cozy interior and a great outdoor patio.  To make a reservation, call (06723) 993-299.

Check out the Kloster Eberbach website by clicking here.  We also have some videos of the grounds on our video page.

story and photos by Susan Melnyk