Christmas Crafting

Here is an upcycling project using your wine and/or liquor bottles. They make a lovely holiday centerpiece, and can be adorned with cut-up paper, ribbon, twigs, flowers – whatever holiday decor accessory you fancy!


  • Wine bottles
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Glitter glue
  • Alphabet or holiday design stencil
  • Sharpie
  • Craft decorating supplies

To Make:

1. Clean bottle inside and out. Remove label. Dry.

2. Mix one part glitter glue and one part paint (of the same color). Paint bottle with your color of choice. Dry. You can apply a second or third coat depending on how vibrant you want it to be.


3. Use the stencil to apply your design on the bottle. You may use a black Sharpie or paint (use a thin brush for precise application). Dry.


4. Decorate bottles. I used a punched ribbon to wrap around the white bottle, green felt fabric to make the red bottle scarves, and plastic glitter twigs as toppers.


Happy crafting!


About the Author:
Janice is a military spouse who lives in Stuttgart with her family. She enjoys getting off post and exploring Germany with her family. And blogging.