During late September and early October, the town of Mössingen comes alive to celebrate its 10th Annual Apple Fest. My family and I are so excited to participate in apple fest in Baden-Württemberg! According to the organizers, this once small local festival keeps growing every year. The fest offers seasonal and delicious favorites as they celebrate “all things apple.” With the delicacies of Apfelkuchen (apple pie), Apfelmus (apple sauce) for pancakes and fresh pressed apple juice, I am so wanting to try it all!
Apple Fest Activities & Program

Apple Week begins on September 25, but most of the fest begins the weekend of October 2. Click here for a complete list of the week’s events.
Really Neat Things to Do at the Fest

Telephone: + 49 (0) 7473 502 0778 or info@radkutsche.de
Sunday, October 4
Half Marathon: 9:30 a.m.
Orchard Walk: 10:30 a.m.
Here is a brochure that is also helpful.

Other Attractions in the Area

In 1984, Mössingen was devastated by a 4 million tons cubic meter landslide after repeated rainfalls. It left behind a valley in the Swabian Alb that created spectacular views and hiking trails. You can now take guided tours in part of this geo-park in the Swabian Alb.

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This little town located in the south western part Baden-Württemberg and just pass Reutlingen and Tübingen, it is an easy day trip from Stuttgart. When we visited the geopark in the past, we crossed the path of what looked like hundreds of sheep. After we stopped to get directions from their shepherd for the parking lot, we found trails within trails on the mountain. There are two parking areas (Parkplatz) and starting points in which you can follow the signs to different views of the landslide.

Talheimer Kircher is a Beguine convent convent that was built in the 9th century. Women of the region took a vow of community service and continued to do this throughout the centuries. Also in the 16th century the kingdom built a new altar for the convent and were incredibly grateful for the selfless service of these servants.
War Memorial

On the (now) church grounds we found a wonderful memorial for soldiers of the town who lost their lives in battle during both World Wars. It is open only one Sunday a month from 3-5 p.m.
How to Get There

Just a short distance from the northern part of the Black Forest, this would be an excellent trip to visit. Whether you decide to participate in the Apple Fest, this part of the Swabian Alb will certainly capture part of your heart.The drive to Mössingen is approximately 1 hour south of Stuttgart, 2 hours and 40 minutes southeast of Kaiserslautern and 2 hours and 50 minutes south of Wiesbaden. Click on DB Bahn for train details.
Author’s Profile: Wendy Payne is a military spouse and lives with her family in Stuttgart, Germany. She is a freelance writer, blogger and photographer. She also enjoys gardening, hiking, yoga and sharing Europe with people.