Ask yourself where you want to be. How will your health be, how will this show up in your life. Be inspired and say how you want to be. Don’t let anything conscious affect your thoughts here, just think it and be inspired.

The answer to the health and weight you want? – Part II

It’s about emotions, not diets!

In the first part of this blog I talked of what I see as the issues which stop people reaching their true potential in their lives and bodies.

I said it’s just not the how and what, it’s the why. I left you with the model I use to start this process.

• Where are you now?

• Where do you want to be? …. And fundamentally ‘why’?

• What stops you?

In this blog I’m going to go through the model above. You need 30 minutes and some quiet space, and your thoughts.

Step 1

Ask yourself how you feel about your current health?

But don’t stop there, just delve a bit deeper.

How does it show up in your life, how does it affect the choices you feel you have to make, how does it affect your relationship and how does it make you feel about yourself?

Don’t be afraid to feel this either; it should be emotional – and its tough sometimes- but lean into those thoughts and feelings and see why they are there. They are telling you that you are not happy with where you are. Trust them.

Step 2

Now ‘magic wand’ time.

Ask yourself where you want to be. How will your health be, how will this show up in your life. Be inspired and say how you want to be. Don’t let anything conscious affect your thoughts here, just think it and be inspired.

How will your new health, and life, affect the everyday choices you make, but maybe more importantly how will it affect anything in your life you want to change (and there are other areas). Ask yourself when you take charge of such a fundamental and amazing part of your life, how this will affect your other life aims? As I promise it always does.

Step 3

What stops you?

Okay so conscious brain time here. Be rational and analytical. Tell yourself what has stopped you before and what may stop you in the future. Don’t be afraid of this list. It wont be too long. You are understanding and pinpointing what you need to change and work with to achieve your magic wand moments.

Now wake up time. Put all these reasons in two columns.
Real or imposed. I am going to be harsh here. Take responsibility.

Time? No, you do have enough time, you just decide to use it somewhere else. Everyone else who is successful with their health shares the same ‘time’ with you, they just prioritise in different ways.

Don’t know what or how to do it, then teach yourself. Again nutrition for most is just not that difficult.

Not sure how to exercise. Get over this. You don’t need a gym, just be active. I’m sure you can walk, jog, ride a bike, and play a sport.

When something does come up which is ‘real’ understand that you know that now, don’t use it as an excuse elsewhere, and minimise it if you can.

“I can’t make the gym after work as I have to work until 2000. Okay maybe this is a ‘real’ obstacle, but commit to getting up 45 mins earlier and be active before work, bike to work, go out jogging at lunchtime, aim for two shorter sessions in the week and commit to starting your weekend with a energising workout.

Then commit yourself to the other areas you can really excel in. Cook great food and eat healthily. Practice relaxation such as meditation or massage.

Spend these 30 minutes now.

Tim DrummondAuthor Profile:
Tim Drummond’s career in the health industry has taken him from a Personal Trainer to a globally acknowledged Health Coach and Mentor. A published author the book ‘The 30/30 Body Blueprint.
He has contributed to national press including The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, and The Daily Express. He is a passionate blogger via He co-created Arete Fitness who specialise in transforming the health, lives and bodies of busy women around the world. Arete’s mission is to reinvigorate the outdated perceptions of female health and fitness…. 30 minutes at a time.